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just describe your character if he has any story or such. mines a freakin doozy :P


Name: Diamond-Breaker

Race: Argonian

Age: 21



He generally different than most argonians, as he's all white, with blue streaks on his face. He's a petty thief, and thats all he knows.

Extremely experienced in hand to hand, he rarely uses a weapon. But, he has big things coming for him. little does he know, he's a ayleid god incarnate. this is the reason why he was placed at the forefront of the daedra wars. he starts to realize this when he alone kicks 100's of daedric arses :P



ok, post yours, or laugh at how crazy i am

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I change chars a lot, but here's my latest then...


Name: Setab Gro-Trawets

Race: Orc

Age: 25


History: Thanks to an ever present hunger he accidently killed a guard and ate his head for food, then found himself imprisoned at the Imperial City. On his first day he met an extremely annonying dunmer named Valen Dreth (whom he resolved to kill at the first opportunity, mmm... dunmer flesh.... *drools*) then met the emporer who released and pardoned him. He is now unleashed on Cyrodil once more :D

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I have way too many characters to list them all, so I'll just do my two favorites.


Name: Abigail Fenn

Race: Cute Elf

Age: 27


History: She was raised in Vvardenfell by a rogue Telvanni sorcerer who was later killed by one of his backstabbing apprentices. After that Abigail traveled around, visiting Valenwood, Skyrim, and the Black Marsh before booking a ship to the Imperial City. (Note: I use an alternate start mod, so she was never in prison) After that she pretty much just explored Cyrodiil after closing the Kvatch Oblivion Gate.


Name: Kiara

Race: Cute Elf

Age: 24


History: Born into a poor family in High Rock, she was placed into the care of a wealthy family after her mother died. There, she was a kitchen servant, which disagreed greatly with her imperious personality. She taught herself how to wield a dagger, and learned a few simple spells from the family's resident healer. She was to kill the son of the family after he tried to take advantage of her, and she then ran away, ending up in Cyrodiil. Since then, she's turned into a cruel and cold-hearted person, murdering simply for pleasure. She joined the Dark Brotherhood and rose quickly through the ranks, but defected after she had collected a group of followers and allies in the guild. She now resides in the Shivering Isles as Sheogorath's champion, but she regularly visits Cyrodiil to check up on the status of her self-made assassins guild.

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Name: Varryn

Race: Dark Elf

Age: 90


Varyyn was born into a superstitious with an incredibly rare problem - he was an albino twin, with pale grey eyes and black skin. In contrast, his twin was perfectly normal Dark Elf, strong with deep red eyes and pale blue skin. he was cast out of the tribe on his first birthday, declared an evil spirit sent by Dagoth Ur.

He was left at the foot of a mountain, and fortunately for him not far from an egg mine. The miners fed him, and used him in the mines to ferry their loads to the exit, or for sorting through the eggs. Slowly he grew stronger and regained his strength, and was set to work in the mines until his twentieth birthday, when he learned he had another difference from the ordinary - magic.

he discovered it when the Queen and some of the workers caught the Blight, and in their madness two set upon him. Catching him by surprise, they knocked him to the ground, and were about to deliver a final strike when his pain and anger boiled to breaking point, his grip froze the legs of the insectoid assailants as they fell upon him. He managed to push one away, throwing it against the walls and fleeing the scene.


He left the mine soon after, heading out towards nearby Caldera, where he begged the Mages Guild teach him how to use his power.

He spent another fifteen years of his life learning and traveling between the guilds, until at least he became recognized as an adept of their Order, and returned once more to Vvardenfell, to visit the tribe that had thrown him out to die. A year of his life was spent tracking them down through the wilds, and came to find his brother the new head of the tribe, hailed as the opposite of his albino brother, a hero of his people, a blessing from the gods.

Their reaction to his return was at first one of fear - all had forgotten this strange child, for they thought he had become a corpse years ago in the desolation of the wilds.

Even his brother did not recognize him, ordering him to leave their camp, mistaking him once more for a spirit of Dagoth Ur.

He wept for a day, denied his brother and people. he wallowed in self pity, until he struck into an abyss of anger. He marched back into their camp and struck his brother with a bolt of energy, and picking up the mighty sword passed down by the leaders. Stepping over his brothers ashen corpse he ran into the night, until he arrived once more at the egg mine - now closed and abandoned, over run with weeds and vines, inhabited by beasts. he hid in its far depths, contemplating his life.

he realized what that he had become exactly what he was cast out of the tribe for being - a killer. A curse upon his people.

He left the sword at the bottom of the abandoned mine, and left to the life of a vagabond mage. he wanted to replace his wrongs, to help people. Years of his life passed by, and he came to the Imperial City, and the Arcane University. He trained harder in the arts of mage craft once more, learning this time the powers of restoration and alchemy, not destruction, the discipline that had turned his nightmares into reality.

his fellow dark elf students taunted his albino features, however, driving him back to the same rage in which he had killed his brother. This time, however, he killed three young students with a torrent of fire, before he collapsed into a fit of sorrow. he allowed the guards to apprehend him, and thanked them as they locked him in that dark cell.

He knew it in his heart as they turned the key to his confinement.

He was a monster...






This is my latest character. I like putting a lot of thought into them...

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I have two:


Hendrix DeKest

(A.K.A. Hendrix o' Solace)


Race: Imperial

Age: He's not quite sure, but he figures it must be around twenty-seven.


History: Hendrix was raised near Bruma, in a cottage which overlooked almost all of Cyrodiil. He always knew that this was not where he was born, and his parents were not really his parents, despite the lies they told him. It was obvious, to him at least, that he had been adopted, and he knew his parents were long dead. He just knew, the way you know a carriage is coming by the vibrations in the ground, or how you can feel the presence of someone behind you no matter how silent they are. He just knew.


His knowledge was confirmed at the age of thirteen. To the end, he never knew what his father's occupation was-- all he knew was that he had tried to keep The Sword out of Hendrix's sight. Every day, he brought The Sword home, and every day he his it. It was only much later, after being sent to jail and being rescued by the Emporer himself that he saw The Sword again, and recognized it immediately; The Sword was an Akaviri Katana, wweilded only by the Blades of Cyrodiil.


One day, his father brought out The Sword and made no attempt to hide it. Men in fiery crimson armor bursted into their house. Not all of them were slain. Hendrix hid as his father bade, alone and afraid, and heard the voices of the armored men.

"Where is the child, damnit? The father was too much work to come back empty-handed!"

"I don't know, maybe he's gone. But just in case he's not..." A loud swishing noise, like wind in an alley. "The flames will claim him. We'll tell him that that's how the child died."


The rest of Hendrix's story is too long to tell in detail. Needless to say he escaped the house before it burned to the ground. He buried the charred remains of his mutilated parents and traveled southwest, down the mountains and into the mainland of Cyrodiil. He made his way to Anvil and made a servant's wage in the Fo'c'sle. He saw awful things in the city of Anvil, and it buried his sense of honor and purity (but that's not to say that these things can't be dug up). He is sometimes called Hendrix o' Solace by the people of Anvil because, despite his brash nature, he is detatched in some way from the world around him. Although he is an acquaintance of nearly everyone, he is a friend of no one. Now he is a second-rate tresure hunter, a scoundrel if ever there was one; but he still feels, as he felt the fate of his parents while he lived near Bruma, that there is something more, and that this something is drawing near.





Race: Imperial

Age: twenty-two


History: It differs from world to world. I've used this character in every RPG I've played since I was seven. In Oblivion, he's the stereotypical world's savior, nice guy turned hero by fate.

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My long dead (Deleted through a reinstall) Skyrim Khajiit. He will always be my favourite character, and is the only character I've given a backstory to.


Name: Fhyrus

Race: Skyrim Khajiit (Vampire)

Gender: Male


Fhyrus' Fighter's Guild career seemed over to him the day he was arrested. However, he saw luck was on his side when the Emperor himself came through his cell. Once out, Fhyrus vowed never to kill another horse. He immediately began on his own quest to regain honour through Arena battles. However, on a mission to assist Agronak, Fhyrus contracted Porphiric Hemophillia. He began to despair; how could a vampire ever make it as a Fighters Guild member? He then remembered the Amulet in his pocket. Within a few months, he had almost single-handedly defeated Mehrunes Dagon's hordes.


Fhyrus finally had time to start contracts with the Fighter's Guild, but he needed a long rest. With the money he had gained from the sale of all his Daedric souvenirs, he purchased Rosethorn Hall, and a maid along with it. His maid offered a perfect way to feed without discovery by his Fighter's Guild brothers. Over the next few months, He had risen to the top the Guild, crushing the Blackwood Company under his foot.


He began working in the Mage's Guild, furthering his skills as a conjurer. One fateful day, a summoning went horribly wrong, causing his hair to change to a Dremora's style. Two long horns now protruded from his head, too. Gone was Fhyrus' tail, replaced by four black wings. Undeterred by this development, he became Necromancy in Cyrodiil's number one threat.


However, not all was peaceful. After his conquering of the Arena, Fhyrus was contacted by Lucien LaChance of the Dark Brotherhood. He had originally ignored the offer from LaChance, but boredom and monotonous training brought forth an evil side not yet seen. By use of Blade and Spell, he cut and killed his way to be the chosen of the Night Mother, the Dark Brotherhood's Listener.


Through rusted sword, maiming spell and bloodied dagger, Fhyrus had enough, and tried to stop the killing. From an encounter with a Nord called Jorundr, he caught the eye of the Thieves Guild and saw this as the perfect opportunity to keep occupied without resorting to violence. From a Diary to an Elder Scroll, he nicked, picked and swiped his way to replacing the former Grey Fox.

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My character is...


Name: Saiden-Jin

Race: Mystic Elf

Age: 32


History: Saiden-Jin was born in Cheydinhal by two Dark Brotherhood members, born for one reason and one reason alone...to take life

and to kill in cold blood. He was raised in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and as soon as he could walk and run he was trained

in the art of stealth and trained day and night with a bow and arrow forged from acient metals found in oblivion. As soon as he

turned 18 he was unleashed upon Cryodiil killing helpless victims one after another until one day he fulfilled his destiny and became

the listener for the Black Hand and took orders from the night mother herself and give them to his Speaker but that didnt stop him

from killing so every time he had the chance he would strike down a random for pleasure and to this day he still roams Cryodiil

killing so u better lock your doors at night and barricade your windows or you will surely get a visit from Saiden-Jin......

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I'll go with what I'm working on for my latest character. I'd post my fully-detailed story for my main Dark Elf character, Arya, but I need to get permission from someone else to detail a lot of her background; the basis of her story stems off of someone else's character's story.


So, currently:


Name: Elora [last name not yet decided]

Age: very early 100's, no older than 110 [not quite yet adulthood in my terms, but close]

Race: Elf [Lineage Elf in Oblivion, Half Elf anywhere else since she's intended to be used in a different story entirely]

Appearance: average build, light skin, pale hair


So far, I'm still detailing her background. Mostly, I have the general idea of her parents down. Her mother's family consisted of bandits, not those like typical bandit highwaymen, but ruthless thieves who would be more than willing to resort to murder to complete their work; her mother was expected to follow in her family's name, of course. Yet when she came of age, she would choose to not live in such a way, and broke her family's sacred tenet of betrayal, which would essentially discard her genetic tie to her family in their eyes. She fled and wandered for years before she settled in the city and trained under the Legion as a Ranger, through which she met her father, a high-ranking soldier. Their love came fast, their marriage faster, and soon, Elora came to be.


The vast age difference between her parents made Elora a small child when her father passed of age. Her mother, still a young Elven woman, left the city with Elora to raise her and teach her the ways of nature, how to be a skilled marksman and wield a blade. Elora caught on quickly, like her mother, she felt a very deep tie to nature, so deep that within the next several years of wandering the forest alone, she evaded many dangers with her bonds to the wild alone, finding herself able to calm animals by touch, even will them to follow her. Her touch alone was incredibly powerful, whether she used it to soothe or even heal, she saved herself from so much danger.


Meanwhile, Elora's mother grew ever-fearful and cautious as the years passed. She'd been raising Elora for almost half a century alone in the wild, in a sacred, enchanted tree she'd carefully carved a house from herself during her time with the Legion. She lived her life with a constant fear of her past catching up to her.


A fear that happened to come true one day when Elora was away from her mother.


The young half-elf returned to her and her mother's wilderness home to find it ravaged, a deeper look into the tree-home and she would find her mother's body; terrified, she would attempt to flee, only to find members of her mother's family awaiting her! They knew well of Elora and her mother's location all these years, biding their time after Elora's father's death to strike, they were now after Elora to kill her for her blood relation alone! With nowhere to go, Elora would be forced to flee and wander the world, alone, constantly running from her mother's vengeful family; she now bides her own time as she wanders, growing stronger, in hopes of avenging her mother's death, but mostly out of sheer necessity for the sake of her own life.






As lengthy as that was, that's just the rough concept of Elora's background. It's left fairly generic because it's meant to tie into a different story eventually, hence why it mentions nothing of Oblivion or its story.


Sorry for the lengthiness!

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