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CTD after many hours of playing


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Hi. The curse that haunts NV -again :wallbash:

I've been playing for literally hundreds of hours since installing on a new harddrive in December. Only the odd crash now and then. Maybe 5-10 hours. So a reasonably stable game. Yesterday my game suddenly started crashing after 1-3 mins of playing! I didn't make any changes at all. So now I'm really puzzled :confused: Today I have tried with different charcters at different levels at different locations. Still the same. FNVedit did not find anyting. I'm constantly running with 139 mods -which is my limit. I tried uninstalling a few -always using FOMM. No luck. Apart from that, I'm using 4G enabler with NVSE. And again -I haven't made any changes for about a week or so.

Any ideas that might save me from the hazzle of a total reinstall will be most welcome :biggrin:

One more thing - I always run with Steam off-line, so it should not be interference from that either.

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@Fonger: Thank you for your reply. But alas, I have an SSD -which you could not know -and that should not be defragged. And I DID clean my save folder for litlle less than uneccessary files. Your ideas are good though :thumbsup:
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Have you modded your game recently? I always find modding is risky business. Sure there is a lot of great content out there, but install it at the risk of stability going to s***.


I have another answer that you may not like. There is a lot to Bethesda games, and it could be as simple as something that you did during gameplay that created conflicting scripts. The simplest way to test this is by loading game that was saved hours or days before these CTD's started to occur. If the CTD's stop, then you might just have to start playing from that old save game to maintain stability.

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@Krutz: No to mods. I do mod my game heavily -and have had my share of unchecking/rechecking 100+ mods, 5 at a time trying to find the culprit :sweat: But no new mods recently.

As for -much- older saves (Scratches head) I think I've heard that one before. And you're right -I don't like it :sad: But it might be worth a try.

Just hope I haven't deleted too many old saves :whistling:

Thank you for your ideas :thumbsup:

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Closing up this thread. Turned out it was my -hitherto- faithful autosave mod, that for an unknown reason had decided, that I had had a far too easy time :whistling: Deleted it -and a lot of autosaves. And it is running stable again -well, at least as stable as you can expect from New Vegas :rolleyes:
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