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Invisible custom armor


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> Spend a day making a crude version of a new armor

> Spend a few hours making the textures

> Import into CK

> See invisible armor

> Realise you accidentally deleted BSDismemberSkinInstance at step one




So I suppose this armor goes into the garbage bin, but I'm wondering if this problem is really due to this issue or not. If not, what are some other causes for invisible armors? (The textures work when applied to a different armor)

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Try importing just your NiTriShape (object mesh) into Nifskope, then copy/paste either your shape onto a default armor (the simplest quick fix) or copy/paste ALL of the Lighting/shader/dismember/Skin data from another (vanilla, working) mesh, or do a combination of both and keep several different versions saved so you know what works and what doesn't.
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  • 5 months later...

I had a similar issue but I realized that I simply forgot to select the armor parts befor importing the skeleton!... This is very important: if you don't select them, the partitions won't be used by any other parts of the file and will be scrapped during export. So you get in NifSkope a model with no BSDismemberSkinInstance nodes and nothing works.


Protip: read and execute CAREFULLY every step of a tutorial!

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