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Mod Possibilities.


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There was a mod in FO3 that I think was called settlers. It was like over time a camp grew up. Now that many better modders are out. It is possible to make a mod that allows you to contribute like a turn based and build parts of a house then many houses then town then city. Then bring ppl into it as followers do ets then patrols. Just an idea. Is possible. I see many mods that can be segwayed into one great open world like ceasar game or old stronghold

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Check out Pocket Empire Builders.


With that, a multi-follower mod and a camping mod, you can build a stockade, a stronghold and permanent camp sites all over Skyrim. You can even flatten out awkward, lumpy areas with rocks in the way.


Add a cooking, hunting, fishing and alchemy mod, and you have my type of Skyrim.


You have to do it all manually, though. It does not build itself.



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