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Original Fallout free on GOG


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For 48 hours only, the original Fallout game is free on GOG. If you're a newcomer to the Fallout series and have only played Fallout 3 or New Vegas, this is your chance to see how the series got its start. You can download the game here.

If you're expecting a game that is similar to Fallout 3, you're looking in the wrong place, however. The original Fallout was developed by Interplay, whereas Fallout 3 and New Vegas were made by Bethesda Game Studios, a different company entirely. The original Fallout is a CRPG, a turn-based game that is much different than the modern Fallouts.

Despite it's differences, I highly encourage you to head over to GOG and download the game that started it all. It is only free for 2 days, so do it quickly.


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War... War never changes.

Games... Games always change.


A fantastic game. The Fallout universe is one of the most beautiful ever created.

Just try it, try it now. It's free. You have NO reason not to get it (unless you already have it)


*hums and wanders back into the abyss*

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Awesome, Fallout 1 is a great game.


Also, Bethesda didn't make New Vegas... Obsidian made it; all Bethesda did was QA and publish it. Also, Obsidian has some of the people who worked on the original Fallouts. Just saying..

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Cool. I might give it another go. Tried it a few years ago and just couldn't work it out as it was so different to what I'm used to today.

Even though games like the original Fallout (top down, turn-based, old graphics) I grew up with I'm just so used to modern games and find it hard to go back :-)


Will give it another go, though.

Edited by star-mystyk
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*Checks out page*

*Sees button says "add to my account"*

*gets sad*


...You're probably wondering why I wouldn't go and just register, but honestly I don't like GOG. Sure, they bring back games to offer in a legitimately legal process, but... Well, sometimes games should stay or just be treated as abandonware. When they brought in Origin (the company) games, and charged quite a bit of money for them, even for the really old titles, all I could do was grumble a bit and felt that they lost their way. Origin was owned and then dissolved by EA back in 2004, so where was the money going? I definitely wouldn't pay EA for them, as none of that money is going to the developers. If they had a much lower price, and it was all going directly to maintaining the servers that hold the files, sure, it's a compromise I could make. But otherwise, I'd rather wait and have them fall back into the realms of abandonware where anyone curious about the history of games can pick these up just about as much as you can get a book from the library. I might be dead or too blind to play them by then, but I'll be patient.

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@ziitch: Technically, downloading this so called abandonware is still piracy, unless the devs themselves say otherwise. With GOG you can play oldies with a clean conscience.

As for Fallout...I already have 2 copies, but what the hell, might as well get a third one.

Edited by Amig186
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