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Mismatch head and body colors


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So, in Megatown I noticed that two NPCs have mismatch head and body colors: Colin Moriarty and Doc Church. Both have really pale heads.

I did some googling to find out a solution and already did the bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 fix in Fallout.ini, disabled all mods that changes head and body textures (like Project Beauty), did the "Can be all races" edit in GECK and create a .esp file for it load lastly, nothing worked.


The only thing that seems to work is disabling FO3 Wanderers Edition, but this only works for Doc Church, not for Colin Moriarty, which is strange, cause I don't think that FWE mod made changes to head textures.


Vanilla Fallout works fine without this issue.


All mods are up-to-date. I followed the STEP Project guide.


Any thoughts?


Thank you very much.


My PC specs: i7-6700HQ, 16gb RAM, GTX 1070 8gb, Windows 10 Home, Fallout 3 GOTY edition Steam.


My load order (mods that haven't any priority number besides it were merged into the bashed patch):

0 0 Fallout3.esm

1 1 Anchorage.esm
2 2 StreetLights.esm
3 3 ThePitt.esm
4 4 BrokenSteel.esm
5 5 PointLookout.esm
6 6 Zeta.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
8 8 Detect Traps.esm
9 9 Advanced Recon Tech.esm
10 a CRAFT.esm
11 b CALIBR.esm
12 c FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm
13 d UF3P - Exotic Caravans.esm
14 e Point Lookout Reborn.esm
15 f RiversideCafe.esm
16 10 WastelandGuards01.esm
17 11 aHUD.esm
18 12 iHUD.esm
19 13 Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm
20 14 DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
21 15 Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm
22 16 xCALIBR.esm
23 17 Project Beauty.esm
24 18 FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp
25 19 STDG.esp
26 1a MetroCars.esp
27 1b DC Moods.esp
28 1c FortIndependenceRedesigned.esp
29 1d ArlingtonRestoration.esp
30 1e DCStreet - BS.esp
31 1f The Pitt Moods.esp
32 20 WeaponModKits.esp
33 21 WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp
34 22 Realistic Interior Lighting.esp
35 23 Rivet City Realignment.esp
36 24 Temple of the Union Overhaul.esp
37 25 Another Interior Mod.esp
Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp
Detect Traps - DLC.esp
Detect Traps - Perk.esp
38 26 DarNifiedUIF3.esp
39 27 FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp
40 28 FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp
41 29 FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp
42 2a FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp
43 2b UUF3P - FWE Patch.esp
44 2c Laurens_Bathroom_poetry_V1.esp
45 2d ChopShopModv13.esp
46 2e WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp
47 2f WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp
48 30 WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp
49 31 WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp
50 32 Advanced Recon Tech FWE.esp
51 33 Advanced Recon Tech.esp
52 34 Flashlight-LOS.esp
53 35 Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp
54 36 JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp
55 37 JIP Selective-Fire.esp
56 38 YearlingBooks.esp
57 39 FWEAlienWorkBenchFix.esp
58 3a Confessor Cromwell has a Break_EV.esp
59 3b Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp
60 3c Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp
61 3d Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp
62 3e Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms + Armor Damage (FOSE).esp
63 3f Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).esp
Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Green Tint Remover.esp
64 40 krzymar-MoonSize_120%.esp
Flora Overhaul.esp
65 41 FeralGhoulTest.esp
66 42 RagdollOverhaulFo3.esp
Bornagain Zeta Combat Armor Texture Patch.esp
67 43 JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
68 44 PointLookout Moods.esp
69 45 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp
70 46 lexx_brahmin-variant-Fo3.esp
71 47 UrgeWashingtonBoS.esp
72 48 K9Breeds.esp
73 49 Tribal_DX.esp
74 4a BornAgain Outcast v3.esp
Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack.esp
Paradise Lost - Unique Texture and Icon.esp
75 4b Conelrad 640-1240.esp
76 4c overhead.esp
77 4d GNR Enhanced.esp
78 4e Assaultrifle_replacers_WMK+RH+FWE.esp
79 4f GaryIterrogationHolo.esp
80 50 Armor Repair Kits PL - FO3.esp
81 51 CALIBRv14 Ammunition Schematics for FWE-WMK-CRAFT-V1_3-18639.esp
82 52 MoreMapMarkers.esp
83 53 BaileysCrossingMetro.esp
84 54 BBBackpacks-v1-1.esp
85 55 BauPetSupplies.esp
86 56 Museum.esp
87 57 GlowingGhouls.esp
88 58 T3_leather armors.esp
89 59 Headwraps Galore.esp
90 5a Merc Adventurer Armor - eng.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp
91 5b Real Radiation Suit FO3.esp
92 5c WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp
93 5d DIFF.esp
94 5e FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp
95 5f FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore.esp
96 60 Advanced Recon Gear.esp
97 61 Detect Traps - The Traponator 4000.esp
98 62 K9BreedsMoreDogs.esp
99 63 CanterburyCommonsInteriors.esp
100 64 PotomacSteamworks.esp
101 65 Monticello Park.esp
102 66 Radio Ownership Fix Fixed.esp
103 67 Dree Perks.esp
104 68 AutoGates.esp
105 69 Better RC Church.esp
106 6a Boulevard of Broken Dreams.esp
107 6b CouncilSeatFix.esp
108 6c MegatonClinicRefurb.esp
109 6d MusTechGenRoom.esp
110 6e House.esp
111 6f Scout Outfits.esp
112 70 Safe - Safe Regulator HQ.esp
113 71 RockopolisRebuilt.esp
114 72 Lookout Outfits.esp
115 73 MTCBigTownRobotFix.esp
116 74 Purity Crash Fix.esp
117 75 Tattered_suits.esp
118 76 Freebooter_Armor.esp
119 77 Double barreled shotgun fix.esp
120 78 GilbertToys.esp
121 79 Brahmin Dairy Products.esp
122 7a megalight.esp
123 7b FO3NeckChains.esp
124 7c DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.esp
125 7d WinterizedT51bDX.esp
126 7e Deathclaw Gauntlet Man Opener Armor Piercing Restored.esp
127 7f UniqueWeaponsRetextured.esp
128 80 PlasmaRifleAwesomefiedWMK.esp
129 81 UniqueWeaponsRetexturedPITT.esp
130 82 (TWPC) RIL-UUF3P-DM Patch.esp
(TWPC) BBD-FWE Patch.esp
(TWPC) BFO-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp
(TWPC) BRCC-PB Patch.esp
(TWPC) BVR-FWE Patch.esp
(TWPC) CMRP-FWE Patch.esp
(TWPC) DIFF3-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp
(TWPC) K9B-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp
(TWPC) WMK-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp
131 83 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
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Your FWE plugins are not correct, PointLookout should be with the rest of the plugins.


Have you disabled all your mods and then added them one at a time, checking in the game to make sure there are no problems?..


Since you are having a problem with the vanilla characters, my guess is the problem is caused by FCO or just too many files in the Data folder.

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Your FWE plugins are not correct, PointLookout should be with the rest of the plugins.


Have you disabled all your mods and then added them one at a time, checking in the game to make sure there are no problems?..


Since you are having a problem with the vanilla characters, my guess is the problem is caused by FCO or just too many files in the Data folder.

Thank you, already fixed the FWE plugins. And yes, I disabled all of them and added them one at a time, checking if there is any problem. That's how I found out that the FWE was causing the Doc Church problem, altought I don't know why,


I'm not using FCO. I don't know how to check if I have too many files in the Data Folder, I followed the STEP Project guide strictly.

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Adding bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 to the ini file should have fixed the pale head issue with certain characters in the game. You should place it at the top of the ini file, just above bPreCullActors=1. You could also try putting it in the default. ini as well. Not sure if this would make a difference though. Also, if you've been making a ton of edits to your ini file, you may want to start over with a fresh copy.


FYI: Your load order is one bloody mess. I'd work on that as well. For instance; all of your Dynamic Weather mods should be at the bottom of you load order list. You would know this, if you read Xepha's description page. He gives you a visual example. Last, maybe consider reducing that amount of mods you're trying to use. IE: some of those mods you're using, are going to just make your game unstable. I'm seeing a few already.


Oh and over filling your data folder is just a voodoo statement, imo. However, it is recommended by one of those STEP guides, not to use more than 142 mods for Fallout 3. A good rule of thumb is... the more mods you use, the more unstable your game becomes. Things will start acting strange and the game will in the end, just stop functioning. Meh


Live and Learn

Edited by ejroberts49
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Adding bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 to the ini file should have fixed the pale head issue with certain characters in the game. You should place it at the top of the ini file, just above bPreCullActors=1. You could also try putting it in the default. ini as well. Not sure if this would make a difference though. Also, if you've been making a ton of edits to your ini file, you may want to start over with a fresh copy.


FYI: Your load order is one bloody mess. I'd work on that as well. For instance; all of your Dynamic Weather mods should be at the bottom of you load order list. You would know this, if you read Xepha's description page. He gives you a visual example. Last, maybe consider reducing that amount of mods you're trying to use. IE: some of those mods you're using, are going to just make your game unstable. I'm seeing a few already.


Oh and over filling your data folder is just a voodoo statement, imo. However, it is recommended by one of those STEP guides, not to use more than 142 mods for Fallout 3. A good rule of thumb is... the more mods you use, the more unstable your game becomes. Things will start acting strange and the game will in the end, just stop functioning. Meh


Live and Learn

Thanks! I just followed the STEP guide strictly, that's how I got this load order. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, don't know. I will probably do a fresh Fallout 3 installation and start over, this time with fewer mods and reading instructions from the description pages. If you could give me some advice to what mods I should stay away because they are going to make my game unstable, I would be grateful. Thank you again!


Edit: I already added bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 above bPreCullActors=1.

Edited by guzfernandes
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I should have said Project Beauty. I don't know where I got the idea you were using FCO.


If you do start over, make sure that any and all compatibility patches load after the last mod being patched.

Edited by M48A5
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The best advice I could give you... learn how to use FO3Edit completely. It's the only way to achieve a perfect working load order. Knowing how to run and read a Conflict Report, is key to running a stable game. Load Order is all about conflicts. Anything else is just guessing and relying on others. Both are unreliable options. If you have to, use BOSS to get things started. It's not updated any more, but it will get a lot of your mods in some semblance of order. Like Dynamic Weather, WMK, and FWE for instance. Yes, reading the individual description pages is a must. The mod author usually has information that is pertinent to running their mods correctly.


Also, knowing how to make edits to (between) mods is key. The rule is that the lowest mod in the load order, will overwrite any mod above it that makes changes to the same areas. However, if you know how to make edits to (between) mods, using FO3Edit... you can eliminate this rule and make them both function together as one.


Bash Tags in a bashed patch is another way of doing it. Since I'm seeing that you use a bashed patch, I'm assuming you already know this? I would recommend using a Merged Patch to deal with things like WMK. I find it better handles leveled lists and Form ID. Both have their strengths, imo. For instance, I feel that a bashed patch is better at dealing with NPC and Races. You can also bash your Merged Patch. It is technically mergable, if you know what you are doing that is.


I recommend cleaning your mods. You have a number of them that contain dirty edits. I would however not recommend cleaning the master files. They are dirty for a reason... especially Broken Steel. Cleaning the masters will probably cuase you more problems than it solves in the end. With user mods my rule is: clean it, unless the mod author specifically tells you not to. MMM and flora overhaul (forested addition) are two mods that come to mind.


Don't use multiple Weather mods together. Stick to just one. One will just overwrite the other and/ or break them both. I personally enjoy using Dynamic Weather. I set it up so I get nothing but fog, rain, and sand storms. No bright sun shine days allowed in my game. ^^ I can tell you right now... DC Moods is one of the worst mods out there when it comes to dirty edits. Clean that sucker if you use it.


Lets see... Canterbury Common Interiors has bad NavMeshes, imo. I've played around with it a lot and finally after removing it, my game became practically 100% stable. It would ctd my game all around the wasteland, near it's proximity. Along with half falling through the ground and major stutter in certain areas. It's garbage in my book. With that being said... any mod that employs NavMeshes, be concerned. Unless the mod author knows what they are doing... those kind of edits can render your game unstable. Mods like DC Interiors is good to go though.


Auto Gates is garbage too. The gates going up and down constantly, will literally kill NPC's that get too close to them. I actually got killed by the Rivet City bridge once. Also Stockholm, who guards Megaton in the tower, will get smashed and killed by the gates going up and down. The worst thing is that the mod breaks the Little Lamp Light quest, by making the gate to the vault accessible without performing said quest. This is one of those mods that makes you think... "Hey, why didn't Bethesda do this?" They probably did, and then discovered everything I just mentioned above. Heh


I see you're using Arkgnt's patches for WMK and Weapons Enhanced. I'm not sure, but you may be missing a patch that's needed. I would look at his mod page again. If I remember correctly there were 3 needed, when I was playing a similar set-up. Not sure though. Better check anyway. Concerning FWE.



Anyways, I've used just about every mod out there, that's worth anything and a lot of them annoy me in the end... for this, or that reason. I don't like mods that break my game immersion in any way. I'm now more focused on how my game looks, runs, and doesn't have mod added eye sores. For instance, Street Lights and Megaton Lighting mods both have ground glitches. Big black splotches that show up when looking at certain angles, or simply by turning on your pipboy. I dun like that stuff. IE: if your mod ruins my visual experience... no mater how cool everyone thinks it is... I'll toss it out of my load.


A lot of this stuff you find out through trial and error. It takes time. That's why I always recommend just starting off with what you really want and then building up things later on, in another play-through. Otherwise you'll find yourself overwhelmed with all the mess. Haha !!


Pro Tip: If you really want to know how a mod is.... try reading through the comment section first. It will give you a pretty good idea what you're getting yourself into. True Story.


I'll go ahead and post my current load order here. This way you can get a visual of what I'm talking about. Caution, some of my mods are ported, modified, merged, and only available to me. This is a casual build. However, I usually never go over 120 mod in total:



00 Fallout3.esm
01 Anchorage.esm
02 ThePitt.esm
03 BrokenSteel.esm
04 PointLookout.esm
05 Zeta.esm
06 iHUD.esm
07 CALIBR.esm [Version 1.4]
08 xCALIBR.esm
09 Project Beauty.esm
0A T6M Equipment Replacer.esm
0B Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
0C Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm
0D Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm
0E DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
0F CaravanUpgrades.esp
10 Mannequin Race F03.esp
11 ImaginatorFO3.esp
12 Citadel Crane Fix.esp
13 Stop Insulting Me Outcasts.esp
14 DarNifiedUIF3.esp
15 krzymar-MoonSize_200%.esp [Version 0.2.0]
16 RubblePilesFix.esp
++ FO3LODGen.esp
17 Simple Saves.esp
18 Sprint Mod.esp
++ Barkskin.esp
19 8 Ball Perk.esp
1A Perk Rate - 2.esp
1B 100% Force Lock Chance.esp
1C 100% Pick Pocket Chance.esp
1D FirstPersonGunFollowCrosshairs.esp
++ HZSmoothLight - FO3.esp
1E Vendors More Caps - Lore Friendly.esp
1F Confessor Cromwell has a Break_EV.esp
20 Distributed Necklaces and Chains - Females Only.esp [Version 1.7]
21 Bed and Bath.esp
22 NukaColaJukebox.esp
23 TWSTW_Megaton_Player_House_Door_With_Punisher_Skull.esp
24 Rivet City Realignment.esp
25 Museum.esp
26 MetroCars.esp
27 BusworldV2.esp
28 Simple Realism.esp
29 Miniguns Non Replacer.esp
2A Armor Repair Kits PL - FO3.esp
++ Re-Energized Weapons.esp
2B UniqueWeaponsRetextured.esp
2C UniqueWeaponsRetexturedPITT.esp
2D 7_HolsterForHandGunsV1_1.esp
2E ColtM4Carbines.esp
2F HKFNFal.esp
30 BladeRunnerDeckardGun.esp
++ Bornagain Outcast T-45d Texture Patch.esp
31 UrgeScarfFallout3.esp
32 Another Interior Mod.esp
33 DogmeatEssentialToken.esp
++ Dogmeat Distance.esp [Version 1.0]
++ Dogmeat_outfits.esp
34 Dogmeat Whistle.esp [Version 1.2]
35 Trucker Holotapes.esp
36 T6M Equipment Replacer for DLC.esp
37 T6M Jeans Outfit FO3.esp
38 T6M Unique Item for FO3.esp
39 Type6 Combat Uniform.esp
3A Anchorage Elevator Fix.esp
++ Aqua Pura Has Worn Off Message Fix.esp
3B CouncilSeatFix.esp
++ GhoulEcologyFixed.esp
3C SewerEntranceNameFix.esp
3D Sierra Fix.esp
3E Immersive Pickup Sounds.esp
++ majormodder's Junk Food to Barbeque Crisps.esp
++ FO3_WRP.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
3F Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - DC Interiors.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - CaravanUpgrades.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Miniguns Non Replacer.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Sierra Fix.esp
++ RespawnableSafes.esp
++ LiteChemWearoffFX.esp
40 MZAllAccessPass.esp [Version 2]
41 NoTheftComments.esp
42 No NPC Greetings FO3.esp
43 NoMegatonTricycle.esp
44 YearlingBooks.esp
++ Moriartys_Key_Restored.esp
45 Grady's Package and Black Widow.esp
46 Chess Set.esp
47 Metro Ticket Tower.esp
48 Pickable and Placeable Ashtray with Cigar.esp
49 6IXES Clutter Texture Pack.esp
++ Immersive Pickup Sounds Patch.esp
++ d7_alienRifle_textureSet.esp
++ sledgehammer textureset.esp
++ superSledgeRetexture Textureset.esp
4A PresidentEden.esp
4B PinkPrincessSuitEN_FO3.esp
++ AnimatedFanV2f3.esp
++ Quieter and Smaller Wadsworth.esp
++ Quieter Mole Rats.esp
++ Quieter Nuka-Cola Sign.esp
++ Quieter Guns.esp
++ Ripper Flamer STFU.esp
4C Ham Radio.esp
4D Tree-logy Pt2 FO3.esp
++ Quantum XP.esp
4E FO3 Experience Merged.esp
4F Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp
50 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp
51 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp
++ Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition Merged (NEE+OA+Rain).esp
52 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp
53 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms.esp
54 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).esp
55 Darkened Interiors.esp
++ Custom Race - Tranquility Lane Fix.esp
++ CRBSOR.esp
56 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Mods: 87/121
No, I don't use the Unofficial Patch. No, I don't use FWE. No, I don't use WMK. No, I don't need a Merged Patch with this load order. No, I'm not insane, or stupid. :D
FYI: I have 15 mods that show up in my conflict report, in FO3Edit. 6 of those are the master files, so it's really only 9 user mods that conflict. All of those are necessary conflicts, that end well. That being said, I actually have ZERO conflicts in my load order. When you can achieve this... you have arrived.
Hope this gets you going in the right direction.
Edited by ejroberts49
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The best advice I could give you... learn how to use FO3Edit completely. It's the only way to achieve a perfect working load order. Knowing how to run and read a Conflict Report, is key to running a stable game. Load Order is all about conflicts. Anything else is just guessing and relying on others. Both are unreliable options. If you have to, use BOSS to get things started. It's not updated any more, but it will get a lot of your mods in some semblance of order. Like Dynamic Weather, WMK, and FWE for instance. Yes, reading the individual description pages is a must. The mod author usually has information that is pertinent to running their mods correctly.


Also, knowing how to make edits to (between) mods is key. The rule is that the lowest mod in the load order, will overwrite any mod above it that makes changes to the same areas. However, if you know how to make edits to (between) mods, using FO3Edit... you can eliminate this rule and make them both function together as one.


Bash Tags in a bashed patch is another way of doing it. Since I'm seeing that you use a bashed patch, I'm assuming you already know this? I would recommend using a Merged Patch to deal with things like WMK. I find it better handles leveled lists and Form ID. Both have their strengths, imo. For instance, I feel that a bashed patch is better at dealing with NPC and Races. You can also bash your Merged Patch. It is technically mergable, if you know what you are doing that is.


I recommend cleaning your mods. You have a number of them that contain dirty edits. I would however not recommend cleaning the master files. They are dirty for a reason... especially Broken Steel. Cleaning the masters will probably cuase you more problems than it solves in the end. With user mods my rule is: clean it, unless the mod author specifically tells you not to. MMM and flora overhaul (forested addition) are two mods that come to mind.


Don't use multiple Weather mods together. Stick to just one. One will just overwrite the other and/ or break them both. I personally enjoy using Dynamic Weather. I set it up so I get nothing but fog, rain, and sand storms. No bright sun shine days allowed in my game. ^^ I can tell you right now... DC Moods is one of the worst mods out there when it comes to dirty edits. Clean that sucker if you use it.


Lets see... Canterbury Common Interiors has bad NavMeshes, imo. I've played around with it a lot and finally after removing it, my game became practically 100% stable. It would ctd my game all around the wasteland, near it's proximity. Along with half falling through the ground and major stutter in certain areas. It's garbage in my book. With that being said... any mod that employs NavMeshes, be concerned. Unless the mod author knows what they are doing... those kind of edits can render your game unstable. Mods like DC Interiors is good to go though.


Auto Gates is garbage too. The gates going up and down constantly, will literally kill NPC's that get too close to them. I actually got killed by the Rivet City bridge once. Also Stockholm, who guards Megaton in the tower, will get smashed and killed by the gates going up and down. The worst thing is that the mod breaks the Little Lamp Light quest, by making the gate to the vault accessible without performing said quest. This is one of those mods that makes you think... "Hey, why didn't Bethesda do this?" They probably did, and then discovered everything I just mentioned above. Heh


I see you're using Arkgnt's patches for WMK and Weapons Enhanced. I'm not sure, but you may be missing a patch that's needed. I would look at his mod page again. If I remember correctly there were 3 needed, when I was playing a similar set-up. Not sure though. Better check anyway. Concerning FWE.



Anyways, I've used just about every mod out there, that's worth anything and a lot of them annoy me in the end... for this, or that reason. I don't like mods that break my game immersion in any way. I'm now more focused on how my game looks, runs, and doesn't have mod added eye sores. For instance, Street Lights and Megaton Lighting mods both have ground glitches. Big black splotches that show up when looking at certain angles, or simply by turning on your pipboy. I dun like that stuff. IE: if your mod ruins my visual experience... no mater how cool everyone thinks it is... I'll toss it out of my load.


A lot of this stuff you find out through trial and error. It takes time. That's why I always recommend just starting off with what you really want and then building up things later on, in another play-through. Otherwise you'll find yourself overwhelmed with all the mess. Haha !!


Pro Tip: If you really want to know how a mod is.... try reading through the comment section first. It will give you a pretty good idea what you're getting yourself into. True Story.


I'll go ahead and post my current load order here. This way you can get a visual of what I'm talking about. Caution, some of my mods are ported, modified, merged, and only available to me. This is a casual build. However, I usually never go over 120 mod in total:



00 Fallout3.esm
01 Anchorage.esm
02 ThePitt.esm
03 BrokenSteel.esm
04 PointLookout.esm
05 Zeta.esm
06 iHUD.esm
07 CALIBR.esm [Version 1.4]
08 xCALIBR.esm
09 Project Beauty.esm
0A T6M Equipment Replacer.esm
0B Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
0C Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm
0D Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm
0E DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
0F CaravanUpgrades.esp
10 Mannequin Race F03.esp
11 ImaginatorFO3.esp
12 Citadel Crane Fix.esp
13 Stop Insulting Me Outcasts.esp
14 DarNifiedUIF3.esp
15 krzymar-MoonSize_200%.esp [Version 0.2.0]
16 RubblePilesFix.esp
++ FO3LODGen.esp
17 Simple Saves.esp
18 Sprint Mod.esp
++ Barkskin.esp
19 8 Ball Perk.esp
1A Perk Rate - 2.esp
1B 100% Force Lock Chance.esp
1C 100% Pick Pocket Chance.esp
1D FirstPersonGunFollowCrosshairs.esp
++ HZSmoothLight - FO3.esp
1E Vendors More Caps - Lore Friendly.esp
1F Confessor Cromwell has a Break_EV.esp
20 Distributed Necklaces and Chains - Females Only.esp [Version 1.7]
21 Bed and Bath.esp
22 NukaColaJukebox.esp
23 TWSTW_Megaton_Player_House_Door_With_Punisher_Skull.esp
24 Rivet City Realignment.esp
25 Museum.esp
26 MetroCars.esp
27 BusworldV2.esp
28 Simple Realism.esp
29 Miniguns Non Replacer.esp
2A Armor Repair Kits PL - FO3.esp
++ Re-Energized Weapons.esp
2B UniqueWeaponsRetextured.esp
2C UniqueWeaponsRetexturedPITT.esp
2D 7_HolsterForHandGunsV1_1.esp
2E ColtM4Carbines.esp
2F HKFNFal.esp
30 BladeRunnerDeckardGun.esp
++ Bornagain Outcast T-45d Texture Patch.esp
31 UrgeScarfFallout3.esp
32 Another Interior Mod.esp
33 DogmeatEssentialToken.esp
++ Dogmeat Distance.esp [Version 1.0]
++ Dogmeat_outfits.esp
34 Dogmeat Whistle.esp [Version 1.2]
35 Trucker Holotapes.esp
36 T6M Equipment Replacer for DLC.esp
37 T6M Jeans Outfit FO3.esp
38 T6M Unique Item for FO3.esp
39 Type6 Combat Uniform.esp
3A Anchorage Elevator Fix.esp
++ Aqua Pura Has Worn Off Message Fix.esp
3B CouncilSeatFix.esp
++ GhoulEcologyFixed.esp
3C SewerEntranceNameFix.esp
3D Sierra Fix.esp
3E Immersive Pickup Sounds.esp
++ majormodder's Junk Food to Barbeque Crisps.esp
++ FO3_WRP.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
3F Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - DC Interiors.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - CaravanUpgrades.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Miniguns Non Replacer.esp
++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Sierra Fix.esp
++ RespawnableSafes.esp
++ LiteChemWearoffFX.esp
40 MZAllAccessPass.esp [Version 2]
41 NoTheftComments.esp
42 No NPC Greetings FO3.esp
43 NoMegatonTricycle.esp
44 YearlingBooks.esp
++ Moriartys_Key_Restored.esp
45 Grady's Package and Black Widow.esp
46 Chess Set.esp
47 Metro Ticket Tower.esp
48 Pickable and Placeable Ashtray with Cigar.esp
49 6IXES Clutter Texture Pack.esp
++ Immersive Pickup Sounds Patch.esp
++ d7_alienRifle_textureSet.esp
++ sledgehammer textureset.esp
++ superSledgeRetexture Textureset.esp
4A PresidentEden.esp
4B PinkPrincessSuitEN_FO3.esp
++ AnimatedFanV2f3.esp
++ Quieter and Smaller Wadsworth.esp
++ Quieter Mole Rats.esp
++ Quieter Nuka-Cola Sign.esp
++ Quieter Guns.esp
++ Ripper Flamer STFU.esp
4C Ham Radio.esp
4D Tree-logy Pt2 FO3.esp
++ Quantum XP.esp
4E FO3 Experience Merged.esp
4F Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp
50 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp
51 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp
++ Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition Merged (NEE+OA+Rain).esp
52 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp
53 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms.esp
54 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).esp
55 Darkened Interiors.esp
++ Custom Race - Tranquility Lane Fix.esp
++ CRBSOR.esp
56 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Mods: 87/121
No, I don't use the Unofficial Patch. No, I don't use FWE. No, I don't use WMK. No, I don't need a Merged Patch with this load order. No, I'm not insane, or stupid. :D
FYI: I have 15 mods that show up in my conflict report, in FO3Edit. 6 of those are the master files, so it's really only 9 user mods that conflict. All of those are necessary conflicts, that end well. That being said, I actually have ZERO conflicts in my load order. When you can achieve this... you have arrived.
Hope this gets you going in the right direction.


Thank you very much for the tips, ejroberts49. I really appreciated the time you took to write these down! I already cleaned my mods, but I will start over with fewer mods and taking in consideration your suggestions. Unfortunately, because of my work, I have limited time to study all these things, so I will probably keep it simple, with lesser mods. Thank you again! Also, I'm curious, why you don't the Unofficial Patch, FWE and WMK?

Edited by guzfernandes
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First of all , use LOOT, second, uninstall ragdoll and get project beauty wich i believe it's called fo3 redesigned atm.


Do not ever use LOOT to sort Fallout 3 mods. That is if you want a playable game. LOOT does not now nor has it ever sorted Fallout 3 mods correctly.

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