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Random Colored Polygons


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Large colored polygons appear after playing the game for a while. Does anyone know what causes this? It always disappears when I quit Skyrim and start it back up. This only happens in my STEP 2.10.0 Mod Organizer profile.
I've gone through the STEP guide twice trying to solve this. I have other heavily modded profiles I've played for over a hundred hours that have never had this problem.
I've seen it in other colors like red and blue as well. This one happened to be black.
It seems to happen more frequently near mountains and more frequently when I backtrack through an area I've visited in the last few minutes.
I'm also using ENBoost without the ENB effects. These links both point to a possible incompatibility with enb and skyrim settings, so I'll be trying to tweak AA and anisotropic settings in the mean time.
This Google Drive folder has load order, mod list, inis and a screenshot of Skyrim Performance Monitor for the whole session. The video starts around the 1800 samples mark in Skyrim Performance Monitor.
My system specs are here
Edited by renketsu0
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That looks super weird. Could be a defect rock mesh, or you're using textures that your graphics card can't handle. Are you using any mods that adds new rocks or landscape textures? If you're using an ENB you have to disable the game's AA and AF, but you probably figured that out already. Also try to disable hardware AA if you have that enabled.

Edited by Taedus
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I am using modded rock and landscape textures. I'm using STEP 2.10.0 baseline with Requiem on top and a few mods removed for compatibility. My PC has been able to handle STEP without issues, but now that I think of it, the problem could be entirely ENBoost/ini/hardware related since I also changed those when following the 2.10.0 guide. If you're curious, my mod list and inis are in the Google Drive link.

So far I've disabled the game's AA and AF and I haven't seen the issue with a couple hours of gameplay. If I do see it again, I'm going to try installing the latest ENBoost binary and re-combing through all of my ini settings. I'm also going to try changing my hardware anisotropic filtering to "use applicatiion settings" if that doesn't work.

I'll post how everything turns out. Thank you for some fresh ideas!

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  • 4 weeks later...
The problem went away after I disabled anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering in the SkyrimPrefs.ini. This is what I set:



I tested for 10 hours with no issues whereas before I'd see the glitch roughly once an hour.

The links I checked out say this needs to be done when using ENB, but I'm using ENBoost without ENB effects. My guess is that either Skyrim or my graphics card has difficulty doing anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering for objects that are already fairly detailed. My graphics card is far under its limits when this happens, so it could also be a driver issue.

Anyway, this is solved. Hope it helps someone else :smile:

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