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How Do You Say "Set Var To 1"

David Brasher

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The scripts never compile no matter how I write them and no matter what properties I set for them.


I want to figure out how to change the value of a variable.


How do you say this line in Papyrus?


Set Var to 1


The wiki says something like:


Var = 1


That doesn't compile though.

Edited by David Brasher
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Before you can set the value of a variable, you have to define it at the top at your script.



ScriptName <insert name here> Extends <whatever>


Int VarA = 1 ;<-- This line defines "VarA" as integer and initialized it with 1

VarA = 1 ;<-- This doesn't work, because it's outside a sub or function


Event OnLoad()

VarA = 1 ;<-- This works, because "VarA" is defined and inside the sub of the "OnLoad" event

VarB = 1 ;<-- This doesn't work, because "VarB" isn't defined




Hope it helps.

Edited by Outlandstalker
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