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Dragonsreach issuee


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Hi! I don't know if you'll see this, but still doesn't work for me unless I got something not properly installed.

Started a new game w fresh installation.
The game seemed fine until level 21 (again). When for the 1st time in Whiterun could see blur, flashing structures, etc. (I was in Riften and Winterhold before and was fine).
In the western Watchtower, it was blurred..., the entrance was black as well in the top of the stairs.
And continues CTDs.
I'm going to make a stupid test:
play vanilla and doing more or less the same steps just to check.
Thanks anyway.
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whats your mod manager? NMM, MO. what you described at watchtower, mind you i have not encountered this myself, sounds like memory issue. that's where enb boost would come in handy. I use MO and a mod called Memory Blocks Log will tell you if your pushing your vram past limit, for me it was real easy to set up and use, it requires skse which is easy to set up. Im going leave a few links for you to check out.














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Hi Jessegtgt!
Just arrived home n I'm going to pay detailed attention to these links.
I use NMM.
Got annoyed w MO. It gave me the message: "installation no longer exists", but when trying to reinstall a mod it asked me to either merge or change name or something. I hate it!
Also once used MOO (Mod Organizer Organiser) and it confirmed that lots of mods were not actually installed.
I always had skse installed, and confirmed by CC: getskseversion.
And confirmation: SKSE Versio: 1.7.3, release idx 48, runtime 09200000
Again thank you very much for your attention.
If you wouldn't mind I'll get back to you in a couple of days to let you know how it worked or not.
BTW I got that blur/grey twisted textures in Helgen (Vanilla Skyrim only skse installed). So I realise that something was left behind to delete. I'll reinstall Skyrim as well.

Cheers friend!

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Had a hard time to find the add friend button and when I did, but apparently did apparently did otherwise.

And now must wait 5ms.

Thanks for adding me. Really appreciated.

Studied literally all those videos, and realise that for playing w mods one all most must have a college degree.

Reached level 23 and just 1 CTD; a few blur in buildings (not all the building) ones as well some rocks.

I disabled the DLC HiRes.

I believe that the latest issues could be:

a) Some mistake of mine during install process;

b) obviously my PC is not that powerful.

Thanks for adding me a friend.

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you got it ingaerichs. Im where im at cause people were gracious enough to help me, i still wish i knew more. Someday you'll be in here helping people.

Ditching the Hi Res DLC pack will not get argued with most people, I don't use it. I learned slow myself, started with CBBE body because it had pre blended textures, stayed away from mods that had users reporting difficulties and focused on learning how to use the tools. Tes5edit,Loot,WryeBash those are the big 3 for me.You definitely need skse, skse ini, enb boost, and the big 3 tools i mentioned. get those set up, get your dlc files cleaned and sorted, wrye bash is more valuable down the line, it makes a bashed patch which is great when using particular mods and it also indicates when a mod as unsorted masters, tes5edit makes sorting masters real easy as well as cleans mods, LOOT is amazing for someone trying to get going it tells you when you have mods that need to be cleaned with tes5edit and does good job at sorting mod list that are not 200+ mods, at that point it behooves you to set your on load order. Im gonna leave you another link that helped me out a lot with load order after LOOT, amongst other things



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you got it ingaerichs. Im where im at cause people were gracious enough to help me, i still wish i knew more. Someday you'll be in here helping people.

Ditching the Hi Res DLC pack will not get argued with most people, I don't use it. I learned slow myself, started with CBBE body because it had pre blended textures, stayed away from mods that had users reporting difficulties and focused on learning how to use the tools. Tes5edit,Loot,WryeBash those are the big 3 for me.You definitely need skse, skse ini, enb boost, and the big 3 tools i mentioned. get those set up, get your dlc files cleaned and sorted, wrye bash is more valuable down the line, it makes a bashed patch which is great when using particular mods and it also indicates when a mod as unsorted masters, tes5edit makes sorting masters real easy as well as cleans mods, LOOT is amazing for someone trying to get going it tells you when you have mods that need to be cleaned with tes5edit and does good job at sorting mod list that are not 200+ mods, at that point it behooves you to set your on load order. Im gonna leave you another link that helped me out a lot with load order after LOOT, amongst other things




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