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A black box appears in my characters mouth, please help


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Hello, for some reason I keep getting this black box or shadows appear in my character's mouth if I try to work expressions in racemenu.

Can somebody please help me? I would greatly appreciate it.






I use female facial animation and teeth plus

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Hard to tell from screenshots, but it looks like her teeth are clipping with her face. In regards to fixing it, unless you're competent at changing the meshes and/or tri files in a 3d editor, I'm afraid you're at the mercy of RaceMenu sliders. I'm not sure if you can move the teeth vertices in sculpt mode, but that'd probably be how I'd go about it.

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wow, that is pretty jacked up. U_U

Its probably from downloading and using presets, i don't even know how this really even happened.


I remember you mad that AWESOME BEAR mod! RUBERT! ;D


Hi, thanks for helping me!


Its sad I have absolutely no idea about anything on sculpting and stuff. @_@

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That sticks out quite a ways; and only when certain morphs are applied? Typically, when .TRI files don't match the mesh it looks more messed-up than that. Still, since you have some mods affecting them, you might try removing one to see if it's not getting along. I googled "Teeth Plus," and it looks like it's just a texture replacer? If so, then it wouldn't affect anything. I've only heard of the "female facial animation" mod, but if it makes extensive changes to the head .TRI files, then it could have tweaked the mouth, too; or maybe it didn't and it should have.


First thing you could try, if a mod changes the (Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets\mouth\mouthhumanf.tri) file, you could delete it / otherwise restore it to using vanilla again. It shouldn't change how your face looks normally, since chargen is a different .TRI file - only when a phoneme or emotional expression is applied. I'm going to assume no mod has replaced the mouth mesh, because that has big potential for breaking npcs, but the same would apply. If that doesn't work, see if outright uninstalling the facial animation mod(s) fixes it.


And this is obviously all under the assumption the issue is the mouth, and you don't have a tongue-ring mod that's exploded or something.

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I do use an equip tongue that has a script :(

Could that cause issues?

Also would my maevan skin and mesh be something that could cause this? :confused:

Edited by lefttounge
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