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LOTR Witchkings Helmet


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Can someone create that Helmet of the Witchking, or is MERP already doing the job?

I think we're (MERP) planning to. Only reason we wouldn't is if some of our modelers would prefer to make a Witch King crown of their own design (our mod does change, and doesn't use, some of the WETA movie designs)

Edited by names_are_useless
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Can someone create that Helmet of the Witchking, or is MERP already doing the job?

I think we're (MERP) planning to. Only reason we wouldn't is if some of our modelers would prefer to make a Witch King crown of their own design (our mod does change, and doesn't use, some of the WETA movie designs)


Only, if I understood you right. Will you say, that Objects like the Witchkings Crown would look in no way like we used to know it from the Movie???? So Narsil will not look like Narsil, .......

That, if I may say it, is a little bit disturbing.... :wacko:

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Narsil had other designs that came before the movie. Long before. Narsil described in the books isn't exactly the version that they show on screen, there are other ways to design it. It's like Excaliber (Seriously, it was one of the inspirations when Tolkein was writing the books). There are thousands of designs for it, and none of them are really the "correct" design. Narsil's the same way. Peter Jackson's version of Narsil is just the one that is most famous.


That said, I would like to see some of the movie designs put into Skyrim, especially the Rohan stuff. I wish that if the MERP is going to redesign certain items, that they at least keep the movie versions as alternates. Especially if people hate their new designs, or if they, like me, feel that new designs sitting next to designs from the movie would look really out of place.

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Only, if I understood you right. Will you say, that Objects like the Witchkings Crown would look in no way like we used to know it from the Movie???? So Narsil will not look like Narsil, .......

That, if I may say it, is a little bit disturbing.... :wacko:

Chill out dude, its just a movie prop :tongue:


I do like the Witch-king's crown from the films. Its "out-of-this-world" scale really works well with the fact that Ringwraiths aren't human (well, not anymore at least) and shows off the Witch-king's grand position within Sauron's forces. I doubt any of the modelers on the team would want to do a different design of the crown, so I imagine it will be in (I just don't want to make promises I can't keep).


That said, I would like to see some of the movie designs put into Skyrim, especially the Rohan stuff. I wish that if the MERP is going to redesign certain items, that they at least keep the movie versions as alternates. Especially if people hate their new designs, or if they, like me, feel that new designs sitting next to designs from the movie would look really out of place.

Speaking of Rohan stuff ...


I would also like to point out that three of these swords are original designs (done by concept artist Nuvendil and modeled by BGS). Judge them as you choose to, but I think this shows that our team is capable of good original designs.


Original sword designs (in case you haven't recognized the original design ones):



Our slogan has always been "Our goal as a team is to realize the world of J.R.R. Tolkien as closely as possible to his vision. We hold the lore to a very high standard and will try not compromise to it. We use the films for inspiration, but base our visual design mainly on the descriptions in the books ..." (although this slogan used to be worded a bit differently, same meaning). Mind you, a majority of the designs from the films should see a place in MERP. Creating "alternate versions of weapons" just to appease movie fans would be wasted resource time in my opinion.


I would also like to point out that there are lots parts of Middle Earth not shown in PJ's LOTR films, but will be in MERP (and I can assure you won't be in PJ's The Hobbit movies either). When it comes to these locations, we have only the books and concept art from other non-WETA artists for inspiration.


Narsil had other designs that came before the movie. Long before. Narsil described in the books isn't exactly the version that they show on screen, there are other ways to design it. It's like Excaliber (Seriously, it was one of the inspirations when Tolkein was writing the books). There are thousands of designs for it, and none of them are really the "correct" design. Narsil's the same way. Peter Jackson's version of Narsil is just the one that is most famous.

The Shards of Narsil right now are planned to be in two pieces, and being held by Aragorn until they're reforged, like in the books (instead of the many pieces it was in in the films, and the fact that they were at Rivendell instead of with Aragorn). Aside from that, we're planning to use the same sword design (same goes for Anduril). Speaking of Narsil and Anduril, Isilmeriel (aka tomato on our dev forums) is the Overseer for Visual Design on the MERP team, so you will be seeing her stuff from the LOTR Weapons Collection mod in MERP :)

Edited by names_are_useless
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