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Creation Kit crashes on startup

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My old hdd died so i had to replaced with a new ssd 500gb and a new hdd 2T. All nice and good. Installed windows 10 , installed the other programs and game and now it was time for fallout 4. Installed fallout 4 and ofc , like usual , the game closed after the "press any button" message (thanks bethesda for not fixing this yet). But no problem, if i want to play fallout 4 and test my mod, i can just disconect the internet or i can use a cracked version of the game. I went to thier site to download bethesda launcher and install the creation kit. All went good untill i opened my creation kit for the first time. It crashed on startup. Tried reinstalling the bethesda launcher and the creation kit for fallout 4. But nothing. It doesn't want to work. I get the message "this aplication has stopped working" -or something like this-. No crash log, nothing. It just stops working and then closes. Anyone knows what could cause this and how i could fix it?

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I managed to make it work for now. I think the same problem affected some fallout 4 players since december, applies here also. From what i remember it has to do with our internet connection. I think we can't connect to the bethesda's servers . Why do i think it's connected. Because i have , or rather, had , this problem. BUT now my fallout 4 and creation kit, both, work. How i managed that? Well...usually i live at the dorm, but in this weekened i decided to come back home, and here i have a totally different type of internet connection. At the dorm i have a dynamic ip type of connection and here i have a pppoe type of connection. I m not sure 100% that this caused the problem. But tomorrow i will go back at the dorm and check it out. If it stops working again, then it's because of the internet connection.And if you guys will have a problem like this, i suggest that you should get a vpn.

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, sorry, i forgot to came back here to post. Yes, blocking creationkit.exe in firewall works. But if you don't want to do that, then you should get a different interent connection. Because at my dorm, both fallout 4 and creation kit don't work, but back home, they work just fine.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 10 months later...

@idontevenknow, i have that mod installed and im having the same issue, i enjoy the mod what am i supposed to do temporarily moce the dll file while i use the creation kit or is there a workaround


I know this is old however I have this problem and have this mod installed, I however found a quick fix so I will share it here if anyone else happens to stumble upon this.


I just changed the dxgi.dll file to a dxgi.txt file. Making a copy on my desktop of the unchanged one in case this causes any issues.


I have yet to use Fallout 4 but this fixed the CK crash straight away and allowed me to load the CK and use it. However I do not know if this changing of the files will effect the mod, and that's why you should make the back up copy.

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  • 1 month later...


@idontevenknow, i have that mod installed and im having the same issue, i enjoy the mod what am i supposed to do temporarily moce the dll file while i use the creation kit or is there a workaround


I know this is old however I have this problem and have this mod installed, I however found a quick fix so I will share it here if anyone else happens to stumble upon this.


I just changed the dxgi.dll file to a dxgi.txt file. Making a copy on my desktop of the unchanged one in case this causes any issues.


I have yet to use Fallout 4 but this fixed the CK crash straight away and allowed me to load the CK and use it. However I do not know if this changing of the files will effect the mod, and that's why you should make the back up copy.


To anyone reading this thread, this fixed my CK issues 100%, changing the dxgi.dll file located in the game's main folder to a .txt file, make sure you have file extensions showing when attempting this.

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