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Ultimate mod list & how to install them simultaneously


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Not really a mod request, but a practical request from a frustrated mod user who downloads slick-looking mods only to get dark face or some other unforeseeable new bug. Apologies if this has been done; just point me in the right direction.


I use LOOT but have found out the hard way that it isn't fool proof with respect to mod order.

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there is no 'ultimate' mod list , since every person likes different mods in their game

however , there are plenty of people who have released mod lists over the years

since you are playing Special Edition , this will be more limited

but there are a few of these out there (like https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10680 for example)

try using Google , if the forums don't hold such threads (not sure if there are any here)

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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