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I'll come out and say it: I really want a sniper rifle in skyrim! I know it goes completely against all lore/immersion/common sense, but I really want to head shot people with an anti-material rifle!

I've searched online and the best I can find is silly little flintlock pistols.

There is a one handed talent that lets you decapitate people, so maybe that animation could be used for blowing peoples' heads off.

Bethesda Softworks makes both Skyrim and Fallout:NV so maybe we could take the anti-material rifle models/sounds etc from FNV and put it in Skyrim!

I know nothing about modding, so I don't know how hard a mod like this would be to implement, but I think it would be awesome!

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Bethesda didn't make FONV just to clarify things but yes u could make a sniper riffle and all that


You would have to use the zoom perk and add a fatality / decapitation or animate a head explosion


Also you would have to create the ammo and the gun and the animation


If I get time I might attempt making it

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Animation, Animation, Animation.


There's always problems with Animation... *sigh* You'd think there would be something for it in the creation kit since Skyrim is supposed to be so modder friendly.



Well. For a Sniper Rifle in first person all you really need is make a Scope take up view so your seeing through the scope.

Then steal whatever projectiles those flintlocks use. Increase its range by a lot, and pin it to a Decapitation animation somehow.

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I don't think the flintlocks had projectiles. In the video I saw the bullets had zero flight time. That's not very accurate, but neither are guns in skyrim to begin with.

As far as possible projectile models, one might could steal an arrow model (ebony arrows might be the closest), maybe lop off the feathers, and make em shorter. I've seen giant mudcrabs, so I'm sure there's a way to shrink/resize arrows? Then maybe make them travel faster than the normal arrows do to simulate a bullet?

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I'm a big fan of the idea of a sniper rifle in skyrim. Would also like to say that it is very possible to use the current flint lock pistol and simply stretch the barrel and slap a zoom feature on it count the damage the same as a puffed up daedric bow. I would love to beta test :D


hehe sniper fun in skyrim :happy:


good luck with the modding

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Maybe not a musket but there is a way to make it slightly more lore friendly.


Those Dwarves were pretty handy with mechanical things. There are already mods for a Dwemer Exoskeleton and and a Dwemer Autoblade (chainsaw sword from Warhammer 40K). It is highly possible to create a Dwemer style shoulder-fire rifle with a clip load system. There would probably be a lot of time taken in both the animation of such a weapon as well as the actual construction of the model since there aren't many current models that match up well with the idea of a rifle.


This mod would be awesome to add to Skyrim and I would love to beta test for anyone and give feedback (sadly, I suck at animation and textures but I have so many great ideas, like a hidden/wrist mounted blade {yes like that of Assassin's Creed} that would help in public assassinations by allowing you to do it with everyone noticing which would help in some the Dark Brotherhood assignments)

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