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I need to update my game Manually.


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Using Steam for Skyrim, only the steam version of skyrim will be updated.

But I seperated my Skyrim games creating two copies, one slightly modded game that is stable(steam default), and one very modded version that might be not so stable.

Skyrim updated to 1.5.2x something, and now I need to update my heavy modded game as well... How do I do that? Is there a patcher I can download somewhere? Cause at the moment I cant play my heavily modded game because the nexus keeps telling me to update skyrim.


I am at a loss, so any help would be appreciated. No finds on Google btw.

Edited by SiniVII
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Using Steam for Skyrim, only the steam version of skyrim will be updated.

But I seperated my Skyrim games creating two copies, one slightly modded game that is stable(steam default), and one very modded version that might be not so stable.

Skyrim updated to 1.5.2x something, and now I need to update my heavy modded game as well... How do I do that? Is there a patcher I can download somewhere? Cause at the moment I cant play my heavily modded game because the nexus keeps telling me to update skyrim.


I am at a loss, so any help would be appreciated. No finds on Google btw.


Via Steam is the only way to get a valid update for Skyrim.




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