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Companions "die" instantly


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Hello everyone,


so, I have this issue were when my companions take any damage they immediatly fall to the ground and the game asks to give them a stimpack, but when I do they will just stand up and fall to the ground again and then it repeats... If anybody could help me I would really apreciate it


btw i use various companion mods and unllimited companion framework


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Sounds like an existential crisis, PTSD, shell shock, or depression to me. One of Heather Cardin's nice cup of teas, and a sit in ol' Loony Lady's comfy chair in Sanctuary should sort them out a treat. Or just shoot them for cowardice in the face of the enemy. That's the usual military response.

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You have a conflict somewhere among your companion mods. Which ones exactly are you using?


It's also very possible (nay, very likely) that you have a mod somewhere that's screwing around with stimpaks in a way that is breaking the bleedout recovery process. We were just talking about this in another thread:




I've done a lot of work in this area, so I could probably help. Let's start with your list of companion mods, while I sit here and sincerely hope that one of them isn't my own. :)

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