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I launched a mod and it asks Courier Stash as prerequisite. How to remove this?


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As that mod is a "weapons pack", the most likely reason is that the mod used meshes or textures from the "pre-order packs" that make up the "Courier's Stash" for some of it's weapons. If that's the case, then you would have to rebuild the weapons involved without those resources, or include them as separate files in the mod.



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The thing is that that should just result in missing meshes or textures, as the GECK looks directly in Windows Explorer for files when you are prompted to choose a model. It doesn't know that they are 'owned' by the DLC, unless of course you get the model by duplicating the form, meaning the master was loading, which YanL says it wasn't.


Unless the model was in fact from a DLC pack and there's some code elsewhere that recognises the DLC folder names? Where was this notice? When you launched the game or in the GECK?


Best thing to do is to check it in FNVEdit, I should think.

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Load the mod in FNVEdit and try to do a Clean Masters. If it won't get rid of Courier's Stash then it's using a reference from that somewhere in the mod. You can look through all of the records in that mod in FNVEdit and delete any that reference the Courier Stash. Once you've deleted them all, then you should be able to Clean Masters and get rid of Courier Stash from the mod.

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