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Enchantment types on weapons


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Hi all, I've already had some wonderful advice on another thread in this forum so thought I'd take my chances again. I'm close to rethinking my idea as I can't find an easy workaround to my dilemma.


I have created a script which I believe works fine, this isn't the issue. What I would like is for the script to fire when a weapon is drawn (and another condition). The trouble I'm having is that I want it to target the player when both of these conditions are true, but the only enchantment I can create and attach to a weapon is Fire & Forget/Contact when really I'd like a constant effect and/or target Self. Though the script is correct, it doesn't fire off correctly, even when the conditions are met and I believe it's because of F&F/Contact.


So is there any workaround that might allow me to add a (hidden) effect (script) to a weapon such that it works when it's drawn? I'm fairly sure I could easily attach it to an armour piece f.ex but would love to keep it on the weapon. I know I can attach a script to a weapon itself, but I've no idea how those behave. Further, I don't know how to write a script that checks IsWeaponOut and GetItemCount (my two conditions).


Many thanks in advance for any suggestions, all advice gratefully received.

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Just had a thought based on a reply to my other thread...could I be doing this with a perk? By that I mean along the lines:


- Equipping my specific weapon adds perk. Unequipping weapon removes it.

- Perk has constant effect that checks my conditions. If true, runs script.


Can I do that with a script attached to a weapon? Or do I need to just give the perk to a player immediately on loading the mod?

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Me again :)


It's basicly the same as in your last post.

Add a unique keyword to your weapon and create an ability effect with the "WornHasKeyword" and "IsWeaponOut" condition. "IsWeaponOut" has to be 2.

Brilliant, my thanks again :-) Those keywords seem to be quite helpful indeed ;-) Working on it now, hopefully this solution is the way forward!

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Last question then....I think I have all my scripts and the ability that manages them sorted. Just need to work out now, how to force-add the ability to the player on loading the mod. I'm sure I've done this with FO3 and FNV but can't work it out with the Creation Kit. Preferrably, the ability would also be invisible (ie. not show up on list, despite that it's there and working).
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