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Are NPCs with the word DUPLICATE in their IDs a dangerous to place in game?


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I only ask because i've been working on this mod for about a year and a half now solo, and it adds in over a hundred new NPCs for the Civil War. To speed up development, I've duplicated the Base NPCs for the mod and have switched the duplicates appearances to make them each individually different. But I am so tired. Tired of having to go to each one and remove the DUPLICATE from their ID.

EXAMPLE: 1StormcloakBerserkerVARDUPLICATE001

Is it OK to leave it in their ID?

If its a yes, then you guys will have no idea how happy I will be.

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That's all I needed to know. I care not if the NPC does the same thing, because in a nutshell all my NPCs do the same thing: Fight the Civil War. That means do siege battles, patrol, prisoner escort, blahblahblah. I just needed to know if they'll crash the game or not because I'm a paranoid sonofabitch who doesn't want to make a detrimental mod.


Danke mein freund.

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As an aside...


If you use SSEEdit, there's a script that you can use to replace text in EditorId or FullName. You could run that script to replace DUPLICATE with something that you find less intrusive (or just replace it with a blank string, effectively removing it. But that would leave you potentially with two different forms in two different plugins with the same editor id.)


There's another script floating around that will let you prefix select form editor id's with a prefix of your choice. You could prefix your mod EditorIds, and remove DUPLICATE, and still have unique ids.


It's posted as an Oldrim mod, but I've been using these scripts in SSEEdit and they still work fine.


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