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9500 Health?


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So I started a new game and I realized I didn't take any damage. I checked my Skills and I had Health: 9500/100 Magicka 9500/100 and Stamina 9500/100

Why is this happening? I can't enjoy the game like this.


By the way, TGM is off I made a new character so there are no console commands activated.

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I don't have a solution to this, but previous posters have, I think, missed the point. Note that TinyBody90 stated that his character has Health, Magicka and Stamina of 9500 / 100. This is clearly anomylous, because the cap, here, should be 100, but he has exceeded the cap by 9400 points.


TinyBoy90, disable any and all mods you have installed. Make a clean save (instructions for making a clean save). Load that save and see if the problem persists. If it does then, then start a new game. If it still persists then your game is bugged, somehow, and the only way you're likely to fix this is with a clean-install of Skyrim. This means deleting, totally, everything on your computer that has anything to do with Skyrim and then re-installing it from scratch.


If it isn't persisting after this, then load one mod at a time and test it. At some point I suspect you'll then find the problem is back. Disable all mods except that last one. Test it out. If the problem is gone then you have a mod conflict with one of the previous mods. If it isn't, then that mod is the culprit.

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OrkVakarian, the "setav" function changes the base value of a stat. In this case, those base values are already at "100", so changing them to "100" will have no effect. The problem is that the effective values are boosted beyond that point, which should be impossible, since the base values are supposed to act as a cap.


There might be a console fix for this issue, but it's a lengthy, time-consuming one. First, record all your character's relevant stats. That means everything you can get numbers for, including your perks and where you have them invested. Type "show racemenu". Change your character's race to something else. Now change it back. As I understand how this works (it's a bug in the game engine), this will reset all your character's stats to their default, game-beginning values. You'll have to remake your character from scratch with the editor (face, etc). You may then have to manually modify your skills and give yourself perk points using the console. I don't know if this affects your level. If it doesn't, modify your skills with "setav" to make sure you don't level up while you're doing it.


Like I said ... this could be a royal pain in the behind, but it might be your only way to save your current game.

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hi TinyBoy90, a suggestion, you can try doing this via console commands:


first, confirm your health value really is 9500 (not sure how you're getting that number):

player.getav health

player.getav magicka

player.getav stamina


second, subtract health points by doing this, for example:

player.modav health -8500

this should permanently change your health value from 9500 to 1000,

next time you level up and increase your health the value should be added to the 1000, enchanted fortify health gear/etc will also be added.

adjust your magicka and stamina values using the same procedure.


you can get more detail on console commands setav/modav/forceav for actor value indices here:



dunno why you're getting this issue with a fresh new game character, seems like a stray mod/script is causing this?

maybe double check your loaded mods list 'DLCList.txt', check for any unwanted ESP/ESM files in your data directory.

are you using the same character name from a previous game?

hope this helps!

Edited by xlcr
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