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Adding light to an armor


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Good question!

Ive had the same thing bobbing around in my mind.... (weapons and shields with lights anyone?)

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What kind of "light"? Stuff like you see in Tron is no problem when you import a mesh and increase the values in BSLightningShaderProperties...like emissive color and specular strength.


In combination with transparency and a alpha channel in the texture you can create pretty useable effects (this is static of course, no movement in the texture)



...but i never tried to add effects like fire or such stuff to armor.

Edited by ghosu
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...but i never tried to add effects like fire or such stuff to armor.


well, that's exactly what i intend to do :) similar to this:



But instead of a sword, it'll be a shield.

But regardless of the object the fire is on, it would be nice if it actually emitted light into the world, instead of a bright glow into the player's eyes alone.. :P

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I'm looking to do something a little similar I think.. Been messing around trying to add the ebony mail smoke effect to a two handed sword.


I also only installed the Ck a few hours ago, so I'm not at all familiar with it yet. Just been messing around with enchants mostly.

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