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The Seventh Tower Mod Team


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:help: The Seventh Tower Mod is Morrowind Legend's official first mod. It is like the Seventh Tower series, but without the main story line. We will need a skinner or two a modeler a scripter, a writer, a few placers and a lot of effort. sega01 is the web designer that can do a little scripting and some placing, and the only worker on the team (so far) This is a total conversion mod. We need people to join the Morrowind Legends Mod Team, to work on our new project, email any applications at [email protected] :help:
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:help: Here is an an updated version of the 1st post in this topic The Seventh Tower Mod is Morrowind Legend's official first mod. It is like the Seventh Tower series, but without the main story line. The Seven Tower is a series that has Chosen, which use light magic from there sun stones, and have spirt shadows. There are Icecarls that are extremely skilled in combat, which live out side of the castle that the Chosen live in, on the ice. We will need a skinner or two a modeler a scripter, a writer, a few placers and a lot of effort. sega01 is the web designer that can do a little scripting and some placing, and the only full worker on the team. We have now have Adras helping, and he knows some scipting and is good at placing. This is a total conversion mod. We need people to join the Morrowind Legends Mod Team, to work on our new project, email any applications to [email protected] :help:
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i can do dialogue also, I forgot to mention that =o) So a TINY bit of scripting (I ma still learning), dialogue, placement, and mini quests i can do. I will play around with some stuuf soon to see if I can find out a bit about texturing or modeling. And any help WOULD be very much appreciated.
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