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Magic.V Bows or even Melee?


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ok have to ask if it is normal to have 50 in destruction, 50 in bow and 50 in melee (one handed). and do more damage with my bow then with magic like the spell fire bolt? I mean I one shot bandit with my bow 3 maybe 4 swings with my sword.. but when I go to use my magic its like the bandit is laughing inside..the only mods I use is Midas magic and the art of magika for spell casting. Is magic just so much weaker as in is it based on your skill in that school or your lvl? right now my level is 30 been trying to see the strenghts and weaknesses of the different classes before I really get into playin skyrim. Have tried light armor with magic, heavy armor with magic and no armor.. at level 30 with the above mentions skill lvls but so far using a bow seems the way to go.(and the bow sadly is your classic starter bow you get from helgen of a dead guard :confused: I would love to be able to stick with one type of mage class because of the limited perks you get. and it is not so much the damge they do to me. Its the damage I want to be able to do back to them. I just thought that having the same skill lvl as a bow user I would be able to cast the firebolt(maybe 2 firebolts) and what ever I was hitting would need some serious bbq sauce :biggrin: maybe there are other mods I am missing that will help make it not SO op in the game.


Well rambled on enough for now.. back to more forum reading.. thanks for taking the time to read this and comment if you have :thumbsup:

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Here is part of the problem. If you want a pure and powerful mage, be just that. When you start to level in sword and bow and shield (and others) you are gaining character levels for you and the bad guys and critters to fight at a higher power. Your mage skills and perks fall behind and now your fighting level 40 critters, beign level 40 yourself, BUT fighting as a mage who's effectively at level 20 (or less). All that experience you earned in other skills are a detriment to a pure mage. At level 20, being a straight mage, your destruction should be at 50 (plus/minus) and give you fireball. That in itself will get you over the hurdle of most encounters. Add to that the magica boosting items, you're well on your way to becoming the hero of future legends.
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Well got my destruction to 91 been blasting things here and there. Only put perk points into destruction so far. might go resturation for healing. Right now I am player level 17. My question is, how can I make my spells stronger? Like fire bolt has a damage rating of 54. Is there a way to increase the damage output.And also think I might try using heavy armor. maybe go the battle mage route. Sword and shield. And any tips would be helpful.And yes been reading other guides here and there but you never know someone might have a good idea out there eh? :thumbsup:
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Thanks will look into that mod also. another thing been reading about being a vampire. is it something to look into as a mage/ warrior and I have looked at a couple of the vampire mods but 2 of the top downloaded ones will not be updating them anymore.. Should I even bother with them? and which is a good one ? Right now the only mod that alters my perk tree is a stealth one. don't know if it matters. From what I understand its a max of 81 perks and level 100 right? did notice a lvl uncapper but don't know if it is worth looking into. also going to look into a camping type mod if I go the vampire route. maybe even try a surival mod??




So little time, so many mods to try.....Mind blowing isn't it? :wallbash:

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