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Cursing in Skyrim


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The word 'bastard' is actually used quite a lot, especially by bandits.

That's technically just a statement about someone's parentage and not a curse. A curse is a request for the recipient's future.

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I want more cursing. With all the killing and thievery going on we sure as hell would hear a lot more than a "damn" every now and then. Fact is I don't consider damn or bastard a curse. From the looks of it there are an awful lot of illegitimate souls running around Skyrim. A lot of them may indeed be bastards. Edited by Netromon
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What really surprised me, and I didn't actually think I heard it right the first time, was that once in awhile an opponent will say "G-ddamn" (leaving out the "o", since the dictionary, here even censors words as innocuous as "b--ch" while letting through much "worse" profanity). Now, I'm not a Christian, but I don't buy that "god" in this little word is used generically, considering its etymology, and I respect the rights of Christian players of Skyrim to not have what they would consider blasphemy shoved in their faces. I thought that was terribly inappropriate of the developers.


In general, the profanity doesn't bother me. Hey, I spent six years in the military, so I've probably just about heard it all. You expect talk like this from "tough" people, or at least people who are trying to act tough, so it really does fit into the style and setting of the game. However, I wonder how appropriate any profanity at all is in Elder Scrolls games, especially seeing as how Bethesda seems to be more and more moving the franchise toward younger players.

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The worst "swearing" I've ever hear was from faendal when he gets hurt. He just screams "SON OF A" and then it just cuts off. I also heard a couple of damns, but I do not consider it swearing.
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