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The Windows NT, 2000, and XP sources...

Marxist ßastard

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...And they're right here.




...So I guess there's going to be a Linux port.




...No work yet from SCO about their impending lawsuit against Microsoft regarding the inclusion of copyrighted material.




...All joking aside, however (And this is the... 1300th time I've said that), the source for those operating systems has been leaked. Anyone here running an OS even remotely based on Windows NT should turn the master setting for their firewall and antivirus applications up to "Tinfoil Hat" and brace themselves for the impending storm of new exploits.

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Exactly. Now they don't have to guess about where there might be a flaw and how to exploit it. They can just look at the source code and get a huge advantage. Translation: your security just took a big hit.


Hmm... I think it might be about time for a switch.... anyone know of a linux version that'll let me run all my games/graphics stuff?

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A few OpenGL games ship with Linux support, and others can just run on WINE or another application that can be used to run Windows apps that don't require the fancy stuff you can't get on Linux. If it's a DirectX game, you'll need an application similar to WINE that charges a subscription fee. Don't know its exact name, but if you run a search it'll likely show up.


There may be some good graphics applications that are avaliable for Linux-based systems -- some people say that almost any Windows application looks like a toy when compared to its *nix counterpart, but you can't get some of the better-known applications such as Photoshop for Linux.


As for the versions game, if you're experienced, you can probably get right into Debian or Slackware. If you're new, you'll probably be better off using Red Hat or Mandrake. Compatibility isn't an issue most of the time if the application is open-source.


But back to the main issue here -- will Vivendi delay the release of Windows 2000?

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Unfortunately it appears it's only a partial source code...


However, let's hope the open source community can make it useful, such as getting more windows apps to run in Linux. As for the virusses etc, I don't give a damn about those.


And all my machines, from my 486 to my AMD3200, run on 98SE B)


We need a stripped version of 2k...

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