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How do I edit a perk?


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I'm trying to figure out exactly how to edit perks. Some perks, such as Cuman Killer and Heavy Swing, feel really overpowered and out of place -- so I'd like to try toning them down. Does anyone know which file or files to edit? Also, what's the best tool to use to edit them with? Notepad++, perhaps?


Thanks for any help. :happy:

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The perk effects are found in buff.xml. If you open that, search for perk_cuman_killer and perk_heavy_swing to find the entries that control their effects. The params field is what sets the modifiers the buff grants, the modifiers themselves are a bit cryptic, since they're mostly three letter abbreviations (i.e. wat is Weapon Damage)

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Thanks! I was able to find the following line: params="bad+0.5,wat*2" is_persistent="True"


Since Cuman Killer increases damage against Cuman opponents by 50% (lol), would I be able to change "0.5" to something lower, like 0.1, to achieve the desired result? Or would I have to modify something else?


Edit: Modifying "wat" might work, since "wat" apparently stands for weapon attack damage. Hm... What if I used a value like 1.10 instead of 2? Or 1.05?


Edit 2: I'm getting bogged down in the file packaging process. I'm not really quite sure how to edit and package my file in such a way that I don't break or override something important. I think I'm probably supposed to create a blank text file called "buff.tbl," but where do I go from there?


Also, it seems like the only way to even access the "buff.xml" file is to unpackage a huge file that governs all kinds of things, which is the "tables" file. I don't want it to override every existing mod I have, but I have no clue how to "narrow down" my edits to perks so that only perks are affected.


Edit 3: So I copied the huge file that "buff.xml" contains, which is basically the Tables folder (which contains the rpg folder and lots of other things). Then, I deleted everything but the "rpg" file, and in the rpg file, I deleted everything but "buff.tbl" and "buff.xml." I deleted "buff.tbl" and replaced it with a blank text file that has the same name.


However, after packing the Tables so that it's a .PAK file and placing it into my Data directory, it still feels like Cumans die too quickly. It's as if nothing has changed! I edited "wat" from 2 to 1 in notepad++, which should theoretically eliminate the perk's damage bonus against Cumans. Would anyone care to take a look at my .PAK to see where I went wrong, by chance? I'd appreciate it, once again. :smile: Here's the file: https://ufile.io/ud5mh

Edited by Ransurias
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