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HDT Invisiblity Fix beta mod is game breaking


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i have no idea what specific object would have cause game to lock-up/freeze. I think the freeze was initiated when farkas would try to return to human form. why this mod would do that, idk. i had to go through i very lengthy process to determine that said mod was at fault, and i am confident that said mod was causing it. if it was somehow a by product of my set-up/load order, idk. i got to were i had all mods that i had been running minus 3 mods working correctly,then i started yet another new game without those 3 mods and saved right before particular scene and concluded that this mod was causing it.


to answer your question, it was me and farkas and 5 dead bandits. female bandit had armor that would have physics, to be specific there armor comes from popular UNP Spice Gear mod, though those bandits were dead. i don't use capes and me and farkas had no hdt clothing/armor on.

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