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GECK Vendor Help


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I'm having some issues creating my first vendor in the GECK.


I've been following this tutorial: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Creating_a_new_vendor and I'm stuck on step 12.


I've created the NPC, created the referenced generic safe, linked them, and have begun the dialog. I've added the GREETING* dialog, and created the "Buy" dialog mentioned in the tut (which I have named USVendorGrantBuy).


Please help me understand step 12: "Finally, Reselect GREETING and go over to the "Add Topic" tab, right click it, select Add Topic and select your "Buy" topic ID."


I cannot find my "Buy" topic, which is named "USVendorGrantBuy"

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You should never use numbers as a prefix for any form ID ... especially not zero's ... the engine gets confused and cannot find them during run time. Although it would make it pop up first in the list.


@ the OP ... it seems you are thinking it means to right click in the topic field on left side ... then select add topic.

In which case you won't find it in that list ... because you already added it to the left side field.

What it is saying ... is to have The GREETING topic selected/highlighted from the left field , then also the info response from the top field where it shows a piece of the text and conditions.

Then you go to that small box on the right side labeled "Add Topic" and right click in there finding your "Buy" topic.


Hope that helps.

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