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[Mod Request] Disable master strike


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Non that I have found as of yet.

Granted, I am focused on irl currently, so I have not combed through the available moddable files nor all the console commands. Perhaps someone else knows how to do it. In which case I would like to add my wish for a mod like this as well.


I am in a state where anyone wearing thicker armor than gambeson also has skill enough to 100% master-strike me. Which forces me to wait for a master-strike and from there attempt to get off a combo. Ofc, the skills and weapon quality makes the fight very short indeed.

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Non that I have found as of yet.

Granted, I am focused on irl currently, so I have not combed through the available moddable files nor all the console commands. Perhaps someone else knows how to do it. In which case I would like to add my wish for a mod like this as well.


I am in a state where anyone wearing thicker armor than gambeson also has skill enough to 100% master-strike me. Which forces me to wait for a master-strike and from there attempt to get off a combo. Ofc, the skills and weapon quality makes the fight very short indeed.


Master strike seems fun at start, but it ruins the combat, the combo are practically useless because you can't finish the combos.
If the enemy do a master strike, you can't block, the same is for you, the enemy can't block your master strike. So, the combat can be kind of ridiculous, you just need to wait for the enemey to atack first.
I killed a group of 5 enemies in a row just by doing a master strike, the last one I tried to atack with some combo, and the enemy did a master strike and hit me. When he tried to atack me again, I did a master strike and killed him.
And that is the resume of the combat? It's a shame...
The game already have some good mechanics of defense, like jump aside to evade the atack, normal block, perfect block, etc. But master strike it's just a script behaviour that does not require your skill, just press a single button...
Edited by capati
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Yes, additionally I would like the combos to not be a way to damage an enemy that has stamina left for blocking. I would rather see them either increase stamina damage, or allow for smaller stamina cost if executed correctly.


Thankfully the basis is there, I would say that removing master-strikes and reworking and adding new combos is as simply as tweaking details. But as to how to do it...

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Yes, additionally I would like the combos to not be a way to damage an enemy that has stamina left for blocking. I would rather see them either increase stamina damage, or allow for smaller stamina cost if executed correctly.


Thankfully the basis is there, I would say that removing master-strikes and reworking and adding new combos is as simply as tweaking details. But as to how to do it...


There is a "Realism" mod that tweaks master strike to be less often with common enemies, but it's still reliable for knights or more difficult enemies.
The ideia of combos to damage stamina is nice, only damage an enemy health if in the the end of the combo the enemy stamina is too low, otherwise, damage only the stamina and does not perform the combo... something like that...
As you said, the basis is there, hopefully someone can tweak and make that changes possible.
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  • 3 years later...

Hey guys,

i just recently discovered the game and it is the exact same thing for me, at first master strikes seem pretty fun but you quickly discover that it ruins the combat system.


I found the bernhards revenge mod too but unfortunatly it is not online on nexusmods anymore. Also for some reason the other mods i found on nexusmods are not downloaded in the correct fileformat.

So do you have any idea where to find this mod or any other? I would like to enjoy the game with a good combat system.


Thanks in advance.

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