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Why am i SO BORED with this game?


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Levels are capped in ES games because of leveled enemies. We are basically always on level 1, no matter what level we are at. Ok, some monsters are a bit harder than others, so there's maybe a 3-level discrepancy at any given time, but that's not enough. Mods like Deadly Dragons try to fix it, but again, not enough. The core is rotten. It's rotten because you can go anywhere and Bethesda uses the leveled system to keep things... leveled. But that's just stupid. They think they give us freedom by letting us go anywhere and engage anyone, but in reality that takes our freedom away. I remember back in the day, in Might & Magic for example, there were zones where you knew you would get your ass kicked because monsters were stronger. That didn't limit our freedom. We could always go to the Lava Continent and get killed, but in the off chance that we managed to kill a monster way above our level, we reaped the rewards! Now there are no rewards. [Russian accent] In Communist Cyrodiil, everybody is equal. [/Russian accent]
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Do player actions have an impact in any sandbox game? Did killing pedestrians and cops have an impact in GTA? It has more of an impact in Skyrim than in GTA, but the problem is the core gameplay is still the same as Oblivion. You are still a prisoner who is given great responsibility, who becomes the leader of various guilds after completing a couple of missions, who runs around gathering useless loot, killing leveled enemies. You still have a world littered with loot that in reality serves absolutely for nothing. It's just there for show. You still have towns with a few houses that have absolutely no practical purpose. It's better than, GTA, for instance, cause you can enter those houses, but there's nothing to do there except maybe steal worthless crap that won't make you rich (and there's really nothing to spend money on anyway) and murder the residents. And that's the problem with Oblivionrim: it's a basket of plastic fruits. It looks pretty but you can't eat it. That applies to the leveling up system too. I'm on my 3rd playthrough, about to enter the Thalmor embassy. I don't know what level my character has, and I don't care, because even the leveling up system is a basket of plastic fruits.


Well, the thing is Skyrim is an RPG. You expect at least a bit of cause and effect in any RPG worth its salt. Skyrim has the potential to have an excellent cause and effect system in place, but Bethesda just totally ignored that aspect of the game. I mean, a dragon can literally slaughter an entire town except for one person and that last person will act totally oblivious to what happened. He won't even bat an eyelash and just continue as if everyone is still there.


I agree with you on the plasticity of the game, though.

Edited by Halororor
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Do player actions have an impact in any sandbox game? Did killing pedestrians and cops have an impact in GTA? It has more of an impact in Skyrim than in GTA, but the problem is the core gameplay is still the same as Oblivion. You are still a prisoner who is given great responsibility, who becomes the leader of various guilds after completing a couple of missions, who runs around gathering useless loot, killing leveled enemies. You still have a world littered with loot that in reality serves absolutely for nothing. It's just there for show. You still have towns with a few houses that have absolutely no practical purpose. It's better than, GTA, for instance, cause you can enter those houses, but there's nothing to do there except maybe steal worthless crap that won't make you rich (and there's really nothing to spend money on anyway) and murder the residents. And that's the problem with Oblivionrim: it's a basket of plastic fruits. It looks pretty but you can't eat it. That applies to the leveling up system too. I'm on my 3rd playthrough, about to enter the Thalmor embassy. I don't know what level my character has, and I don't care, because even the leveling up system is a basket of plastic fruits.


Well, the thing is Skyrim is an RPG. You expect at least a bit of cause and effect in any RPG worth its salt. Skyrim has the potential to have an excellent cause and effect system in place, but Bethesda just totally ignored that aspect of the game. I mean, a dragon can literally slaughter an entire town except for one person and that last person will act totally oblivious to what happened. He won't even bat an eyelash and just continue as if everyone is still there.


I agree with you on the plasticity of the game, though.


Quite true. I may be seeing Skyrim as an improvement over Oblivion I haven't been playing the game at all for weeks if not even longer.


IMO Skyrim stopped half way and didn't take things far enough. FNV may not be perfect but at least it gives you more of an illusion that NPCs are taking into account your actions and that's hardly the case in Skyrim.


In fact it's so heavy handed when that happens that it actually breaks immersion. Just like when a guard starts saying things about your character that don't really make sense because there is no way the guard would know that about your character.


Skyrim may be an improvement over Oblivion it's still pretty much the same game (with a better dialogue system). Being bored after playing the same game for years is not entirely unexpected.

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Well i havent played Oblivion but Skyrim has left me with mixed feelings at its best, Like the op i am making new chars over and over and at around level 35ish-40ish i start over again.


I have a pretty good pc and the world has left me speechless multiple times. Its a huge and awesome looking world. Its the best looking game i have ever seen with the mods i am using. But whats the point in having it if you dont really have to go explore it in order to finish the game or improve your character? Leveling system and professions are completely lame and they drain the fun out of the game.


As weird as it might sound this game needs some linearity and a "limit" on character progression.


2 professions of your choice as limit besides the combat skills. You can practice the rest also at low skill lvl but without perks or leveling through them

Complete reworking of the talent trees, Extremely boring and ridiculous op on their current state. % based enchants that stack ftl. lame just lame. You have to intentionally gimp yourself in order to keep enjoying some challenge.

Static world. How silly is to have the world circle around your hero?

Deeper combat system. Who doesn't like rpg's with 3-4 abilities.,,

Companions that can make an impact. I dont even use them because i can kill them by mistake on high levels...

A lvl cap


A few mods try to address certain issues and fix the scaling and while doing a good work on the world the profession/skill leveling utter crap kicks in again and drains all the fun after a certain lvl. You sneeze and ding pretty much. A monstrous warrior with a tremendous shield and a terrifying sword picking locks and sneaking while pickpocketing guards that look at you on master difficulty. What a load of crap really.


People crucify linear games but a fully open world - when you dont even get to see 1/10 of it because no matter what you do you become god on the same point every single try you make - is even worse imo. Talking about Groundhog Day


Its a magnificent world such a shame they didn't had another company make the gameplay.

Agree, especially with the last sentence, the lame word describes it perfectly, sometimes i have the feeling like they hired some Rudolf the farmer to make them a gameplay system.

Edited by pavy
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I got bored a little about 2 months into playing this game. Then I decided to jack the difficulty level up to master and add as many Mods as possible that make the game more difficult. Increasing the difficulty of dragons through Deadly dragons and increasing the difficulty at higher levels through the Advanced High Level gameplay mod. I also add more variety to the options whenever I can through mods. Such as things like The Paarthurnax fix which allow you to change the course of that quest by not having to kill Paarthurnax. I think there are many ways to make it less boring. I was bored running around by myself or with just one follower, but when I increased my followers beyond one it became necessary to make the rest of the game more difficult. Be careful though. Some of the mods will make it so that the tough creatures come at an earlier level than you are used to. With the Deadly dragons mod you can make it so that you see even the toughest of dragons very early on in the game and most low level characters can not handle that unless you start as a Space marine or something. Edited by Netromon
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Now, I'm trying to get back into it and there are even more glitches after the patch then before the patch.

I don't know... I lost interest in the main story quite quickly, (I'm trying to pass it now but that damn water glitch is just awful)

Whereas I felt compelled to complete the main quest in Oblivion.

Oh well. :mellow:

What water glitch? My game is running like a top. No CTDs. No glitches. No issues with water (standing water or running water) So far, all I've noticed is a very rare and occasional strobing on a couple of textures in dungeons. I have no problems with water (either in it, near it or around it)

The Glitch is on PS3 it came with the new patch.

I have had to uninstall the game and update to see if that fixes the glitch.

I have yet to check.

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The one thing that keeps me from playing Skyrim more than I should is the freaking dialogues. Seriously Bethesda, fire whoever wrote the script and just use a room full of monkies next time. Maybe you'll get more lines to use for NPCs out of the five chimpanzees than the one writer you used.


"Looking for my husband Nazeem?" I COULDN't CARE LESS ABOUT HIM!

"Hello, I'm Gisl but you can just cai--" I KNOW ALREADY SHEESH

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If killing stuff is all you wanna do... play something else sheesh -.-

I can personally direct you to a bunch of mindless games that require any kind of though wich i'm sure you aren't capable of in the first pls, so feel free to PM if you want those games.


I understand what the OP probably had in mind. it's the atmosphere of the game with its haunting sense that there is something missing , and for me that's just a precondition not to immerse yourself in to deep but just feel that your role is to wonder around and kill stuff randomly and marvel at the character model as you dress him up in fancy armour give him cool weapons like a virtual dolly , in the back of your head you think - wow this would look awesome in a real game. But that's just it , I don't know I am probably just getting older and the illusion is just fading. The world feels a bit underpopulated and yet the characters are just random-you don't remember their names and the towns are just hubs for gear, because the social side is lacking. It just doesn't feel real, you meet an nps once it plays its role and that's it you don't come back to them. The interconnection between the characters is lacking. (compared with Gothic 1&2 [not 3- npcs there were just as dull as they are here and in oblivion] and The Witcher - now those are RPGs). In Skyrim you feel like an outsider, you wonder around but nothing is driving you to go there , you feel forced to crawl random dungeons and hack and slash for exp. There is more immersion in games that don't have a storyline at all (Mount & Blade, cause it feels real), yet Skyrim has pretensions of showing a complete and gritty world.


maybe it's because Skyrim wasn't intended for a more adult audience, with it's politically correct violence and black and white setting..... it's just the graphics and that's a shame I think

Edited by mengo
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