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useing 4gb G.E.C.K


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ok basically i found a little program that can patch almost anything that is deafaulted from 2gb to 4gb. thus allowing me to not only just patch the game without haveing to revarify steam files constantly but to also patch the GECK itself to 4gb. when i did it it loads much faster ande can work more efficent, but is there any negative consequence to doing so?

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All that tool does is set a file header flag telling the OS that the executable can address more than 2GB of memory in the expected way. But the risk is that the executable was compiled in such a way that statement (implied by the flag, which is added "after the fact") is not true. In which case the executable so flagged will crash. You will know pretty quickly if that is the case, and can just reverse the flag.


It is not a problem with the GECK, and in fact is almost a requirement.



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