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Fallout Dungeon Mod Idea


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Hello everyone,


So I have been wanting something that adds a little less "can someone help me gather pencils" and more "Just kill everyone, get to the guy at the end and kill him and come back"


The basic idea is, talk to a npc to get the quest and go to some interior cell that populated with bad guys and one big bad guy at the end. Along the way there will be loot boxes with random loot along with every enemy will drop a trophy. You do not have to kill everyone, just get to the last guy and kill him. The trophy's give someone who does kill everyone something extra, they can be sold to any merchant. Then go back to the quest guy and he gives you access to the next level of the area.


More details.


There would be an npc that explains some story I haven't quite come up with yet, and gives you a list of areas. In this list is different levels of the quest to take on for that area.


Each of the area's have a specific type of enemy, like caves have animals, Vaults have Ghouls or Raiders. Each level has the enemies gaining levels and if possible the loot getting better.


I have a few goals with this. First, after going through the different DLC and the main story I tend to run out of people to shoot. This will give a almost endless supply of things to throw lead (or plasma) at. For mid game it provides a larger scale combat zone with the possibility of completing each level as you get stronger to get caps and other gear. I normally play with mods like the barter adjuster where weapons are very expensive and caps are hard to come by. So adding a place I can farm, for lack of a better word, for a random weapon based on my current abilities would be interesting to me.


Current issues:

Very little knowledge or experience with GECK. I am learning but my interest is declining as I try to build one of these places.

Random enemy placement. I am not sure if this is possible. Otherwise its not a big issue.

Story, so far all I got is you talk to some human looking guy. Through his dialog you can tell he is not from around here. The people/creature you kill are clones or captives and he needs combat data.

The quest would be good if any of the levels were repeatable.

Some of the area's could be an outside location that would provide with more of a sniper feel as you whittle away at the enemy force from a distance before going in.


I do not know if I will ever be able to make this mod, but anyone is welcome to get it a shot. I would just like to play it.


Thank you for taking the time to read it!

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Have you tried AWOP? (A World Of Pain)

It adds lot's of areas pretty much exacly like that.

Talk to Frankie in his Gun Shop to get the quest to kill the Monsters (bosses specifically) to get the key to unlock an area with bigger monsters and repaet and intensify as the game heads north.

Most areas have no quest attached but have a huge amount of stuff to kill and plenty to loot. Not too much though - no AM Rifle in Goodsprings these days - (for anyone that's bothered that was a accident anyway, not a design feature).

Grab the AWOP Monster Patch and Monster Mod to unlock the Runble Zones.

Those are huge areas all filled with re-spawnable very tough monsters with a boss at the end. Kill the boss to get a reward box key. Find the box and claim your reward.

If those run well you should also check out Angel Park. It adds over 100 new locations plus loads of new enemies and weapons in a huge new worldspace. 90% respawnable you can burn through ammo for days there.

You do not even need to activate Monster Mod in your load order if you would like the wasteland to remain vanilla. The Monster Patch & Angel Park will still read the resources from it as long as it is installed and in your list so can just fighjt the new enemies in controlled environments if you prefer.

Angel Park also has a seperate Remix by myself which completey changes about 90% of the gameplay mechanics as well as relocating enemies and re-cluttering interiors for a completely different expoerience.




Monster Mod


AWOP Monster Patch (aka Rumble Zones)


Angel Park:


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