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Buggy Jump/Landing Animation?


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Here's my mod list. https://modwat.ch/u/redangellion/plugins


I'm having the strangest problem. Whenver I jump from a certain height, my character gets locked into this animation upon landing:




Jumping or drawing a weapon breaks me out of the pose/animation, but it happens again the next time I jump from high enough. I'm pretty sure this is not a vanilla animation. It looks very similar to the landing animation from a mod called Pretty Jumping... which I have never installed and didn't even know about before trying to fix this problem. But when I jump regularly (that is, just standing there and press jump) the animation is vanilla all the way through. It's only when I jump or fall above a certain height that this animation plays upon landing.


This is so weird. I cannot figure out where this animation could be coming from. I don't even have any other animation mods, I don't think. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

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