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Anyone have this problem?


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:wallbash: Ok since i installed 1.5.26 patch here is the problem:


Im using WATER,RL 3.4a and ENB Antifreeze,but before you say delete enb here is the thing:


The problem is that i didnt had this issue on my other pc which uses NVIDIA graphic card,and this PC with ATI (AGP HD 3850) i got problems with graphics,now i tried to uninstall water and rl didnt fixed the issue which is:

Shadows are garbled look like fences and water is gone,all i can see of the water is waterfalls and surface,the other effects are gone etc.

With ENB (GraphicFix=True) fixes this issue but there is all knowing green underwater bug :(...

If i delete Antifreeze 9 the issue comes back again,and if i eneble enb issue is fixed but with underwater bug.. :S

Edited by Xahstur
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The ATI card is just too weak to handle the graphics mods you are trying to use.


LOL! I run skyrim on 40 + fps -.-,these are driver issues.


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