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Creating Racemenu Follower - Gray Face Bug


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Hi there! Finally jumped into creating standalone follower mods... and of course... the first attempted was a fail!


I have been going off this great tutorial, however, there is one part that is messing me up! [ I put in the part where I'm struggling into the link ]






This is how I created her in Race Menu [ Left ] , and I exported her head - but this is how she turns out as a follower [ Right]


I followed all of the meshes and texture instructions in the Creation Kit, her body meshes and textures are fine... and in the the Creation Kit she doesn't have gray face




but when I try the NIF MERGE tool, for some reason her hairline will not show up, but the hairline duplicate does...




But it's obviously in the Creation Kit!




I'm pulling my hair out over this. Any help at all will be appreciated. Thank you so much for your time! http://img69.laughinggif.com/pic/HTTP3JzbWcucGJzcmMuY29tL2FsYnVtcy92NzM4L0xhZHlGaXJlL0hvbGlkYXlzJTIwbiUyMFN1Y2gvVmFsZW50aW5lcy9sb3ZlLTE3Ny5naWZjiaYzIwMAloglog.gif

Edited by xPyrrha
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