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Eye graphic bug?


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Not sure what's up, but my character's eyes get REALLY messed up every so often. It seems going to showracemenu fixes it temporarily. I use a couple of eye texture mods but I don't think they would conflict with each other.


Here's a picture of what I'm talking about: http://i.imgur.com/oboFs.jpg


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!



I suffer the same symptoms. I notice that I get it mostly when I use sneak (with 100 perk after you disappear from an enemy and the smoke dissipates). I've disabled all mods and re-installed the - Meshes, textures .bsa files and still nothing.


Also the mods I have installed are


Calientes CBBE v3

Pretty Face Pack

univision Face for CBBE

enchanced character edit

better females by bella - makeup version 4


I have gone though and disabled each to see if I can find the issue but to no avail. If anyone knows it would be a great help.

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This is a known bug that happens when you use invisibility, it's not caused by mods. Bethsoft know about this bug and have yet to fix it.


I usually quite the game and reload to clear it.


I have this same problem. Haven't used any invisibility potion but a lot of sneaking (high level) is involved. But there are also moments when this messed-up eye bug occurs when entering and exiting places. I'm patch to the latest 1.5. Can't recall if this problem happen before I patch to latest update.


Any fix for this would be appreciated.

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