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Crashes, always crashes


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Hello folks,

first of, if this is in the wrong section (couldn't decide if it should be in Mod throubleshooting or here), please forgive me and I would be thankful if a moderator moved it to the appropriate section.


The bane of all Elderscrolls games, odd crashes, has now reached me.

Here's what happens:

A) Can't load game, ctd. Can start new game, but during tutorial character moves when is not supposed to (such as walking up to the headmans block before the other prisoner dies and the game just stops doing anything)

B) Can load game, but crashes after 10 seconds.

I've managed to overcome the tutorial bug with the Live another life mod, but the crashes are infuriating.

Since the game works well without any mods, it must be a mod problem. I've run the thing through BOSS several times and through Wrye Bash as well. I'm kindof at a loss here.

At one point it seemed the amount of active mods influenced the crashes. It worked for a while with exactly 88 mods active, then later at 75. This isn't reliable though.

Here's me modlist, straight out of Boss:


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Could it be a mix of Steam workshop mods and nexus mods?


I'm grateful for any suggestion.

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What version of skyrim are you on? 1.5.26 has issues with many mods, im not even sure if its possible to get a stable skyrim with so many mods on this version.


You seem to have a few mods that touch leveled lists in skyrim, do you use the bashed patch from Wrye Bash to merge these?


And yeah, a mix of nexus and steam workshop could definitely screw it up. Plugin load order is very important, good that you used BOSS for that, but package install order is also important. The install order matters because of mods that have the same files will overwrite each other. The last mod that you installed will overwrite all the previous mod files that have the same files. You have some control with this in NMM, but none with steam workshop. So you have no clue how steam workshop mods overrode your NMM mods. And if a SW mod overrode something important from a NMM mod, CTDs can happen.


I would like to use SW as well as nexus and wrye bash but atm its not possible to use both unless you want trouble. Pick one and stick with it for now, i woudl recommend nexus site + NMM (for tracking and updating) + WB (for package install order and plugin load order). In any case, you can find 98% of SW mods on nexus, and there are more nexus exclusive mods than SW exclusive mods, plus you have more detail and management with nexus. Win win!

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It is not a mod problem, it's beth's fault. I have been using some mods for months and they now give me ctd.

You may get your mods from anywhere, do not worry about mixing managers.


@MadWizard25: Nexus is miles ahead from Workshop but come on... Workshop mods are 1 .esp + 1 .bsa, how on earth could it overwrite anything???

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