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Suddenly everybody has a hunched over idle animation?!?


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I was playing along normally yesterday and loaded up my savegame today, when this suddenly happened:






After a few seconds this even happens to the PC. And then i can't move anymore, as the animation doesn't seem to stop. I can jump though strangely enough, still in this hunched over mode.


If i draw my weapon the normal animation plays, and if i sheathe it again, for a few seconds my PC is normally moving, but then on idle it once again starts with this hunched over idle...


I THINK this may be the exhausted.kf from Better Cities (after an extensive search of all installed mods, that looks to be the closest one), but i am not sure and would like to know why it is suddenly playing for everybody. I have Blockhead installed, but it never behaved like this before, so i am at my wits end.


This even happens on a new game, immediately after character creation, so i am stumped. I have not changed anything in my load order, or installed no new mods for weeks now... if any of you can identify this posture/animation and maybe tell me what is going on, that would be of great help.

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Sorry, forgot to append the mod list ;)


But i found the culprit in the meanwhile. The animation is "vrsleepstand.kf" from the Vampire Revolution mod by Forli, which just recently started to override any animation with that idle one. No idea why this is forced on the PC and every NPC in the vicinity. And why now? Played with for months without incident.


I had to deactivate Vampire Revolution, and that made the problem go away. I have not yet found the right compatibility settings/patch i guess, or rather see what changed since this started to happen.


Just tested on a fairly clean install again with only these mods loaded:


00 Oblivion.esm
01 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm
02 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.74]
03 OblivionReloaded.esp
04 Enhanced Hotkeys.esp [Version 2.3.1]
05 HUD Status Bars.esp [Version 5.3.2]
06 Alternative Beginnings.esp [Version 1.4.4]
07 Vampire Revolution.esp [Version v1.13]
Same problem with the hunching over. And then i took another look at the VR.esp. I had recently changed the names of the two stakes to differentiate them with MOO crafting, and that seemed to have caused the issue. How, i have no idea, as i did not touch the Form ID or Editor ID, just the names. I double checked if a stray edit made it in somehow, but no. Resetting the names to the default seems to prevent the animation from replacing every other animation (i think that may have to do with the initialization script VR runs at every load, but how that causes this particular problem is beyond me)...
(side note: Still had to update3d on my test save where the animation problem was already occuring, but that fixed it).
So problem solved, no idea how really, but i can game again :)
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