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too brighter lights


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hi all, my prob is that in some rooms,(not all, so i could not find it immediatley after that i've installed it) the light is TOOOO bright, and i can't see nothing :(:(

now, i have over 130 mod installed and find the one that have messed up the light is hard... anyone know which mod can do this?


thanks in advance

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Do you mean like in my screenshot? I have this issue myself in Korvanjund - but I haven't seen this bug in any area before... No idea what's causing this - lowering brightness didn't really help either...

Outdoors is fine, indoors in other caves, towns, houses is fine too...


Any one has any clue to what is causing this and how to fix it?




Edit: Deducted any visible in-game "effect" on my character (ie. poisons/diseases). Nothing like that is active.

Also, as soon as I step outside Korvanjund Temple - the light is normal again - then when I step inside, it's messed up once more.

Edited by Njorunn
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(sorry, so many mods that I had to make 4 screen-shots to fit everything - most of them are weapons/armour/clothing/items-mods though and shouldn't be the cause)


I already tried disabling "Remove ambient interior-fog", realistic torch lightning and colourful torches - no difference. I tried disabling ALL mods, and then it worked. Not sure which one is causing this - first I thought it was "Moonpath to Elseweyr" - it had the same issue on the airships, just another colour to the brightness. But I've deleted that mod, so it can't be it...



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aha!! Try resetting Imaginator and Dynavision to OFF save and reload. Then make settings after checkin for brightness etc.


I disabled both Imaginator and Dynavision and BAM! It worked! Very odd though since I disabled Dynavision through the in-game menu - and never made any changes in the Imaginator..!


Kudos for your help! :turned:

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