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Question on TOS


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I have a question on mod content. Not a flame, rant, whine, complaint, or any of that - a real question! :)


On this:


"All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. If you cannot provide proof of consent when asked then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned."


What I need to know, before working too far on a mod is this:


Let's say I make a custom terminal using the default NIF/Textures and all of that from the BSA files. Then after adding whatever customization to the terminal I would like - I add the NIF file to the mod. Does that violate the above? Or what if I extract the original terminal NIF from the BSA and need to re-include the default NIF outside of the BSA as a single object in the mod (unchanged otherwise) - does that matter if it's unaltered?


I guess I'm asking to what degree are we talking here?



I'm just genuinely curious - (I want to make sure I'm clear on all this to head off issues before they are an issue), if I post a mod - that I'm within the TOS is all :)


I think I can work around any situation like this, but I want to be clear in advance so I don't have to restructure later or find workarounds for stuff now, if not needed.

Edited by Overcast73
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Why would you need to include the nif in the mod? It's in the bsa.


Short answer is probably no one would notice, or care if they did, but at the very least you're making your download bigger than it has to be.


Thanks for the quick reply - no, I'm just curious for general purposes on what's within the guidelines and what's not is all :)

I'd rather just be 100% clear on all of this is all. I suspect I wouldn't need to re-include any default resources, but just in case it happens to solve some problem at least I'll know if that's an ok solution or not.

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Rule of thumb that seems to cover most cases-

Don't include what you don't need to. Do include what you do need to. But make sure your plugin requires .esms that use the given assets.

Say Mothership Zeta has that terminal that you want to use, but you did a retexture of it. You'd be ok including the terminal as long as your plugin requires Zeta.esm to run.

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