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About Overcast73

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  1. The best I could suggest, if you haven't found a fix yet.. is to just disable all mods, then see if it will work properly. If it does, pick some kind of a order to re-enable mods in groups. I just had an issue not long ago with something crashing me to desktop when going into a specific cell/area in the game. Personally, I would re-enable the most important couple first - like Skins, SkyUI, Unofficial Patch - then try to start it up. If it works - enable another chunk of mods. Assuming it's a mod, eventually you'll run into the problem and you can isolate which mod it was from the group you added just prior to the problem starting up again. I like to add mods in small chunks each night once I start up a Bethesda game like this or Fallout. Add 2, 3, 4 mods.. and then play for a while and see if it seems stable. Hope that helped some?
  2. Did you ever find a fix for this? I'm having the same issue, but can't seem to find a fix or even a confirmation that it's just broke.. :)
  3. I know you can give Moira the RobCo Jumpsuit and it will bump her skill up some. Might be easy also - to mod a jumpsuit with 100% repair and give it to various vendors...
  4. Personally, I don't care if any of my mods are used as a resource, but that being said - I can see someone just not wanting to mess with the mod anymore too. I dunno about Bethesda, but I know with Electronic Arts, if you mod the Sims for instance. EA retains pretty much all rights, although the creator can copyright that 'derivative' work. But part of the TOS with EA is that no modifications to their game may be sold, only freely given to the community. Some sites did charge for their 'custom content' but EA didn't care if people re-posted it on the exchange for free, since that was EA's TOS. So even if someone re-posted mods and tried to charge for them, chances are they'd be wasting their time. Legalities aside, people may spend a lot of time developing their mods. Just the learning curve of the GECK can take many, many hours. So if they want to pull their content, that's up to them. Can't really so much complain, the tools to make our own mods are 100% available to all of us as well. So really, that's the least they can expect - the nexus to back them up - if they decide to pull out, after all, they aren't getting a dime for their work. I'm not even 20% done with my attempt at a mod, but I have put many hours into it already. I do worry about 'running out of steam' at some point, but then I'm not one to put out a ton of quirky mods and try to support them. I've restarted mods a ton of times - just to implement a 'better practice' - in terms of stability and longevity on any mod I do put out there to attempt to head that off. For instance: a vanilla FO3 install, unique naming, avoiding any changes to the assets base references, etc. Of course, major Kudos to those to do leave mods out there, even if they can't support them anymore. I know if I do post some, and I can't find time to support them, I'll just update the description to 'no longer supported' on the mod. I kind of ignore legalities in these cases, but only because ethically I wouldn't go there anyway. If a person posts their own stuff, then they retain the rights to change or remove it, just as much as I think that should be given to anyone here that posts a mod. The Nexus, likewise, is only doing what's right in that respect. They wouldn't be terribly popular if they just 'took over' the mod and did what they want with it - I might not post my mod here, as I would have no idea what might be done to it, with my name attached. But on the same note - if you post a mod, it's courteous to the community to just let them have it, unless you have a real pressing reason to pull it. Who knows - maybe he/she seem an interest in it and wants to re-do the whole thing... never know, huh? I don't know, no inside information - but if I had a mod here that was dormant for a long time and I decided to finish it up - I might well pull the original, but then I'd post a comment too.
  5. I just recently upgraded my video card to a GTX550i I didn't crash much - until then. All other games seem to work just fine. I do run FWE, but I didn't start running it until after my video card upgrade, so I can't say it's FWE at all. Personally, I think it's something with the GTX5xxx cards and Fallout 3 specifically. I notice many of my crashes come when there's a sudden change in the graphics - like panning to see the skyline and the bloom/HDR kicking in, or maybe when entering new cells. I'm working on a mod and it crashes there too - of course, I don't have the level optimized, but I can be just loading into a cell that's 100% nothing but terrain and it'll crash. It's not consistent, so I really doubt it's my mod - there's so little to the mod so far - nothing but a worldspace + some objects. No custom scripts, few NPC's, no custom items so far. And that's a 100% vanilla fallout 3 install I use for modding - no FWE or anything at all. Just FO3, the DLC's, and my mod.
  6. Opps dang it, replied to wrong thread! Doh :)
  7. Yes, it was one I was looking at to add to - but now in hindsight, it just reinforces my original position of not using too many resources I don't have control over like that. Had I made a mod for that, and the original file is now gone - all my work would have been in vain. I think I might have downloaded a copy, but even then, I don't think we can re-post a mod that someone else did can we? I'm not one to even consider 'taking credit' for another's work.
  8. Ohhh, gotcha - makes perfect sense. Yes, the geck is the easiest way it sounds - I just have to re-link the doors. I'll probably make an extra copy, clean them out and make some templates too - thanks a bunch :) PS - Kudos on that, this will save me a lot of time and I can keep those nice houses!
  9. Have a question here about moving an interior from one ESP file to another, and if that can be done. Here's my issue: Long while ago, I made interiors for a few buildings doing another mod that I never really finished up. While it wasn't finished, I spent a lot of times on the interiors and would like to avoid re-creating them for my newer mod, if possible. Shot of the navMesh in two of the three building interiors, they are 100% complete, ambiance and all - they came out real nice. So let's say I have three interiors in MOD-A.ESP and I want to move those to MOD-B.ESP - is that even possible if I load both up in the GECK? I don't want an additional dependency, so if not, I will likely just re-create the interiors, but hey - can't hurt to ask. Plus, my son was talking about maybe making an interior or two for my mod as well, this would be a big plus, if I knew how to do that. How does it work with collaborative efforts on mods?
  10. Sydney Follower is a brilliant mod with a companion who seems very alive she comments on some locations, quests and charaters http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/9320 I would say she's about the best, I personally have found. A ton of options as well.
  11. Yeah, most likely - for most mods, you'll need some data under Textures/Meshes and maybe more folder for them to work. Mods don't *have* to put data in those folders, but since most have at least some custom data, most will. In those cases, if you still have the GOTY install, you should be able to safely copy everything under the data folder to the new game install location - unless your game was unstable before, then I would highly suggest just reinstalling the MODS altogether. It's a pain sometimes, but beats crashing a lot if they are goofed up. Ehhh, so the ESP's show up in FOMM? Have you done the 'Archive Invalidation' again on the new install? You can find a mod here on the Nexus that makes that real easy.
  12. Much of it is just making small changes - seeing what that does, making another, etc. Most of what you'll learn is on the Geck's WIKI, some good YouTube Videos out there, and probably the bulk is trial and error, keep at it and you'll get the hang of it - then it moves faster as you go, meaning you can do more. After you do one weapon you can do 50... :) I think the biggest advice I could pass on is to save often and make 'version copies' at various stages. It's possible to hammer a mod good through your own goofs or get corruption/errors that are near impossible to fix, it can save huge amounts of time being able to roll back to a mod that's 2 hours old as opposed to trying to fix a big problem or at worst having to restart it - that might kill the whole idea I was working on personally. Don't expect the first 10 tries to work, lol. Oh and do the 'Vault74' tutorial on the WIKI - it's good practice and gets you used to the GECK, if you haven't already. The reason I don't mind learning and digging into the GECK is due to Bethesda's foresight in making all of their game mod tools similar with this game engine. If you can do Oblivion, you can do Fallout 3/NV, and Skyrim too - with a learning curve on each.
  13. Never tried to mod any weapons, but after a quick look... Open the GECK, and then Fallout.ESM Search for 'WeapSniperRifle' in the Object Window - once you get to it's properties, look about in the center and there are three tabs - under 'art and sound' there an option for 'has scope'. That's no doubt where you enable the scope feature in game. IT also asks for a 'target NIF' - you'll have to extract the NIF for the weapon from the BSA file and put in the correct folder - mimic what the sniper rifles uses in under your data folder (Interface\HUD\Scope01.NIF) Here's a Wiki page on editing weapons and one on getting NIFs out of the BSA files: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Creating_A_Custom_Weapon http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/BSA_Files http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/How_to_extract_BSA_files_using_FO3_Archive BSA files are just a compressed/packaged version of the assets the game uses. Pages above describe it better. Now editing the model itself to look like it has a scope, would require editing / making a new NIF file for Lincoln's Repeater with Blender/NifSkope, etc. I'm no 3D modeling pro, but maybe that can help you get started? It doesn't take 'mystical knowledge' to mod - just time and patience, along with Googling like a stalker, lol. I would think Blender/3D modeling would be quite a time investment to learn, but there's so much you can do with it.... Start simple, just mod the 10MM or something silly. Or just enable the scope options and see what happens. Just make a backup copy of Fallout 3 and have at it. Worst that can happen is a re-install... :) You'll almost always - at some point, trash everything you've done and do a 'clean start' anyway, so nothing lost. When I do mods, I have a clean vanilla copy of Fallout 3 that I use - I want to try and avoid making a mod that crashes people, I hate that. In theory as long as you don't load a mod in the GECK when making a new one, it shouldn't depend on that, but just never know what 'complexities' might be introduced by modding on a heavily modded base Fallout install.
  14. Off hand.. 'The Institute' 'Arefu Expanded' Both are mods with a number of side quests. Did you check the categories here too? http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/categories/
  15. Well, I know a couple mods out there (Fallout Wanderers comes to mind) have 'alternate' starting spots - FWE can skip the whole vault intro and place you in the Wasteland Worldspace or an interior, never tried the option, but it's there. I think it prompts you to 'wake from the dream' - then puts you in a shack somewhere. So with that, I would think if you alter the script there, you could put the person in any worldspace/interior - even a complete custom one. Assuming you have the needed assets for the world - I can't think of why you couldn't do it. Maybe short of the opening hospital scene... but might even be able to alter that cut-scene too. Since, if you want, you can totally skip every quest in FO3 and still otherwise play, I can't think of anything that would box you into a corner there, but then - I'm no big 'pro' Modder... yet.. :) Oh and I finally follow you on that other question - I decided with my mod to go with a new worldspace - sheesh what a lot of 'work'. But the map is setup in under 'world space' in the World menu in the geck. It looks like real 'fun' getting a map lined up in there too, lol.
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