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How to modify a mod?


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Hey guys,


first post here so I hope I am doing it right =)


I just downloaded the mod "Newermind Bow Collection" and it's working fine. but i think some of the bows are overpowered -->


So here's my problem: i wish to modify the mod (only change the damage values). I therefore opened the mod in the creation Kit (selected "Newermind Bow Collection" in the data menu). I found the new bows there and modified the damage. Now to get those values I actually saved what I did and enabled it as a plugin using NMM. However when i play the game the damage values are still the same (is that because the original "Newermind Bow Collection" mod is still enabled?? when i disable it and leave only my saved plugin active there are no new bows at all)


So basically my question is: What did I do wrong? or how do you modify the damage of newly added weapons in general?


Hoping for some replies ;)



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The reason you need both esp files activated is because your new esp ONLY contains the changes you've made, and nothing else.


It might be easier to directly modify the mod that you downloaded instead of creating a new esp file. You can do this by setting the Bow Collection mod as the active file in the CK and then making your changes.


I'm new to modding though, so there are probably better ways to do this.

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Setting the actie file is the key to success. When I want to continue editing my mod after a PC reboot, you just set the active file, aa it refers to Skyrim.esm (mostly)
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