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Settlements resetting themselves back to original layout


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Argh! Has anyone encounter this bug/reset problem where you have your settlement/s scrap everything scrap-able, then build it up nicely to how you like it; play through for awhile and then suddenly return to one or more settlement and find the old houses, shrubs, rocks, trees, etc suddenly return to it's original starting state?


I returned today to my game and my nicely built concrete building is inside the settlement's original house and i can't get inside or scrap it because the two building are inside each other. Original scrap-able

junk also returned and i can't re-scrape them either; only items i can scrape are what i put up like new walls, crafting stations, etc.


Is there a fix for this bug or would i need to restart all over again? Yes, this has happened to me before almost in every play through.


I use the mod "Spring Cleaning" to clear up as much as i can, no other mods.


Any ideas, fixes or alternative mods to fix this settlement reset bug would be appreciated!



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I've seen this on my game, fixing the load order fixed it for me. I have spring cleaning and scrap everything in my setup. These both are last on my load order with spring cleaning above scrap everything in NMM's plugins list.
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With thanks to bbiller, the settlement returning to it's original format has been resolved by moving the Spring Cleaning mod esm as low as I can possibly get it. All my settlements have now corrected themselves!


Thanks again bbiller!

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