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need help w/ sound replace/adding question through tes5edit


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I wish to know which variable(s) I must add/edit in order to attach sounds during sprinting.


Reason: I am currently improving upon Steadfast Magnolia esp, primarily the armors that came with it; ie. I've removed the steam noise coming from the npc and I successfully reduced the volume of the power armor footsteps by using Audacity and applying the default Noise Reduction settings to all the audio files. Everything worked to great effects, HOWEVER, I noticed one very large discrepancy: there is no sprint sounds (particularly for the player character).


I've already made a set of sprint sounds from a copy of the modified walk, by speeding the .wav files by 33% all that's left is finding a method to associate sprinting to the wavs... yet I do not know how to do that.

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