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Unnecessary Violence Help


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Email meIm from Germany replys may be English or german

in English:

Help me i installed Unnecessary Violence and if i launch Oblivion theres a Window which says i have to install Nifscript but How :wallbash:

in German:

Ich habe Unnecessary Violence installiert und immer wenn ich Oblivion mit dem OBSE starte dann kommt ein Fenster in dem steht dass ich Nifscript brauche ich hab die Datei von Nifse aber ich weiß nicht wie man sie installiert HILF MIR :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

Sorry My English isnt veryx good

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Have you installed NifSE1.0 properly (to data/obse/plugins)? NifSE may be installed as with any other mod, by extracting the archive to the Oblivion\Data\ directory. NifSE.dll should end up in Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins\ and those folders should be created as necessary by the archive extractor. If they are not, simply create them and move NifSE.dll into them. Edited by Anoxeron
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