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Skyrim Immersive Creatures are skating?


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So, I downloaded SIC and I found out that all of the creatures added by SIC are skating or doesn't have animations (excluding skeleton npcs, they move and animate just fine but not the other animals). I checked the FAQ and it stated there that it could be another npc related mod but I can't tell which one (it also said to reset my game cells which I already did 5 times but no luck).


Mod List:


+Guard Dialogue Overhaul
+Realistic Ragdolls and Force
+No Spinning Death Animation
+Immersive Weapons
+Skyrim Immersive Creatures
+Convenient Horses
+A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads
+Immersive Armors
+Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
+Dragonborn Cleaned
+HearthFires Cleaned
+Dawnguard Cleaned
+Update Cleaned
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