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CTD on kill cam in custom house only


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Awwright, where to start.
I don't want to waste anyone's time but I'm also a bit out of ideas.
I'll try to format what's going on in the least painful way possible.


Project: Make my own player house/kingdom/sea of weapons racks/ straight out of helgen with all the bells and whistles I want.
*Done, sept for a few tweaks pending glitch fixing.
*Completed nav-mesh with proper green spots, followers have no issue.

Version: SE
Platform: Windows 8.1, 16 gigs ddr4/2800, I7 5930k on X99 mobo clocking 3.5, Radeon R9 290.
My system can beyond handle it. Running on Ultra.

But I have a bit of a problem..
I've got a Vampirific dungeon of torment with a few torture victims and human cattle (who may or may not bear resemblance to old bosses and nemeses.)


The issue I can't diagnose, is why on killing them, and only during a kill animation, I get a CTD.

Everywhere else in skyrim, no problems. It's with my NPC's in my cell only. There's a row of "torture victims" in shackles, and a room of jailed cattle. Either one can cause the CTD on animation, and only on animation. A vanilla death has no effect, and they have no inventory.

- Other points of interest, I'm having issues getting vendor NPC's to open shop dialogue in there, but I'm not asking for help with that. Noting because things could be related, that I don't understand. they worked when hot loaded into an existing game (the one that crashes), but do not work on a new game. (tried three times)

- Sitting on benches causes CTD, but chairs work fine (so I replaced benches with chairs), noting for same reason, as i suspect something, of course, with animations.

Bit of backstory, first mod ever. Had a CTD at dragonsreach corruption resulting in a new game, and now I refuse to play until I get my mod working because, well, I'm a hard head. It's been a couple months now, halp plees lol.



Again, this is only with my custom NPC's.
The place is a pretty good size interior, and due to volumous lighting glitch issues I "branched it out" so to speak, and separated afflicted areas and used load doors instead of fighting lights.

To paraphrase, if it's even relevant, each "section" of my interior has been "partitioned" away via load doors, to avoid excessive light blackout, but it's all in the same cell.. If lighting or load could be an issue, but I can't fathom how. tossing it out just in case.


Things I've tried:
* Weener around with NPC/faction settings
* Disable mods
* New game x3
* New game with only my mod loaded
* New game with only my mod after re-install

My mod in question has no "custom" anything, beyond NPC's and books.
It's all drawn from vanilla content.


I would love so much any suggestions.
I'm at a loss. Everything else works, it's just.. animations that are causing me issues.


I'll be happy to provide more/any information if you need it, or just want it.
I'll even on completion share it with you if you want, or add in something you want.
Honestly hadn't planned on putting it up on nexus or anything, but if you folks get me running, I'll make it a bit more, uh, publicly acceptable name/vocabulary wise and ship it.


I just don't know where to swing from here.

Thanks guys.


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No need to apologize. I'm happy someone's trying to help lol.


The crash can come from either set of dudes, the shacked ones or the jailed ones.
So taking your advice, and for ease reasons, I set the cattle dudes outside in tamriel. Cam's worked fine.
Back inside, cam CTD.
I tried setting them in a different load area inside the place, still crash.

Doesn't matter if it's one or two handed weapons.
It's exclusive to my mod's interior, and I haven't the slightest idea how or why.

What kind of things could cause a conk on animations in a cell?

*Sitting on a bench (not a chair) will CTD
*Kill cams will CTD

I don't know how to follow up on either yet, but the two almost certainly have to be linked.
(Thinking out loud)

Anyways, I'll keep at it.
I appreciate your help, sir.
And sorry it took me so long to reply, I decided to pack the CK away for the night.

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Well, still no luck..
I've disabled all the mods (again.)
I then deleted everything /steamapps/skyrim (data included, but not creation kit files)
I then went back to NMM and loaded only my mod (and alternate start because helgen, ugh..)
The NPC's all had the dark face bug which I'll worry about later (exported F12 thing last time), but the problem still persists..

Has to be something with my mod itself. What could I have boogered up in CK?
Thisisgettingrueling lol

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  • 1 month later...

Just a heads up(date).
After a while of exhaling and not messing with it, I came back aaaaaaaand.. So far problem solved.


I made a new cell and transferred over that portion of the map. Re-set my linkings, new location ID etc etc.
No more crashey. I don't know why that worked but it did.

Nowww that the crashing is fixed, I can start putting mods back on so that the game crashes again lol

Thanks folks for offering help.

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