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Question concerning the Sintavs


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I have Bandits in Cities and the bandit in the Elven Gardens District started a fight with the guards that resulted in the massacre of all the Sintavs that were standing outside of Iniel Sintav's door. Are there any quest associated with them that could have been voided?
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According to the UESP Wiki none are involved in any vanilla game quests. Elven Gardens will seem pretty empty without them though. Edited by Striker879
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What is the reason for the Sintavs to gather outside of Iniel's door? Was there a quest originally planned to justify their gathering?
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Probably just laziness on where their editor locations are. I see the whole group of them when I first come into Elven Gardens during the day. The only thing that the UESP Wiki says is that some were intended to have wander packages in Talos Plaza some days, but because of the order their packages are listed their default wander takes precedence (fixed by the UOP). If I think of it that's something I'll maybe check in the CS next time I'm poking around in it.
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