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This elf slave thing is silly, it should be the other way around if anything?


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I cant in my imagination, consider elves putting up with that, its ridiculous, better to be wiped out if it comes to that. I don't like them being put in that context as it dirtys them in my mind by association, and blows my image of them making me dislike them.


City elves have no honor. I guess I will never play that origin from what I read and looking at the way they act on my character as npcs. they are like harry potter house elves. Pathetic.


Also it forces my wild elf character, from a rp pov, to be a ass to almost every non desired ''read attractive woman and grey warden human npc'' or he would be OOC and I don't like him having to be that way as a few are not that bad.

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  On 3/4/2018 at 3:49 PM, Ethreon said:

Well, you might as well stop playing DA. Elves are not some fancy ass forest gods, just another pitiful race on the face of earth.

Its a great game nonetheless, so no. My wild elf is not a god, but he has pride in his heritage, and was working to regain what was lost, even if he never succeeds, its noble, as is being a lorekeeper or gatherer in any context. I think he dose his clan proud. Its the intent that matters. The character doing his best, according to his nature, integrity aesthetics and overall honor, the holy trinity. Discernment in context is vital.

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  On 3/5/2018 at 2:31 PM, Sixuu said:

And why should it be the other way around ?


Probably due to the generic portrayal of elves. OP forgets what game he's playing and that nothing HAS to be a certain way.

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The minority shtick, using elves was a mistake, I see what they were trying to do but they should have picked stens race which was more different from the white ruling class nobles.


if this were real, after 200 years being a half elf would be a mark of noble bloodlines and the humans would be greedily trying to help the elves ''and themselves as half elves'' discover the old secret of eleven immortality''


The elven women are so desirable that there would have been a lot of hostage ''and willing'' eleven queens early on as visual candy for lords and rulers of the conquered nations ''not to mention of strong bloodline for children as good mothers.


They are like refined ''more evolved'' Anglo Saxons. Breeding with them would be genetic instinct if possible. The races are too similar for racism to be likely. No white person would be against them not even the most idiotic hillbilly. They would be to busy trying to screw or marry them. The pointy ears would just be an exotic erotic turn on, because otherwise fine bone structured white woman, more pretty.


No one would give a crap about history after winning even 100 years later, to deny themselves a relationship and good blood for heirs, because they could freely have it.


No need for jealousy or hate if you have achieved domination. No revolutions, out of have and have nots. ''This is because you secretly want what the others have and are butt hurt'' Thats just how people are as a whole. All good sounding speech's are really just saying that.


So this is totally goofy, but would have been realistic in stens nation because of the differences.

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  1. The nation of the Qunari is strong. Even stronger than any human country. I don't work at Bioware but i'm pretty sure they were created to picture a different but superior state.

The war between elves and human does not originate from racism, but religious and cultural differences. The elves' appearance has never been a problem to humans.

Even though each generation lose a bit of it, city elves do keep some cultural traits (e.g Vhenadahl). This can partly explain why they are still segregated.

Some city elves do have a good rank in society, even in Ferelden (e.g. Iona).

I have not played it, but you can learn more about the ancient elves in the Dragon Age : Inquisition's DLC called Trespasser. Their immortality is not something genetic that humans or even current elves can achieve.

You mentionned a "white ruling class nobles". This is not true. For example, there are city elves in Antiva, a country which population is tanned. In fact, elves in Dragon Age could be inspired from the jews so, again, the look does not matter.

Elves aren't prettier than humans, and their blood is not better in any way.

In Dragon Age 2, elves appearance is less human-like.

You may be a bit too influenced by your own vision of the elves (They are not like "refined ''more evolved'' Anglo Saxons", and as far as i know nothing in the game is designed to make you think so).

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"The war between elves and human does not originate from racism, but religious and cultural differences. The elves' appearance has never been a problem to humans."


Slurs like 'knife ear' and 'rabbit' strongly indicate otherwise.


Finding someone sexually desirable or attractive does not preclude racism.

Edited by theskymoves
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