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Load Order Troubleshoot


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Hello there fellow modders!

I just recently started dusting SSE and I decided to mod it using Vortex. I had some problems here and there especially with RS children but nothing too big. Anyway I used Loot and Wrye Bash to make a patch but I am having a CTD on startup. I don't use ENB, got everything updated. I had similar problems with Fallout 4 so I believe it is the load order, if you can give me a tip on how to set mine I would be really grateful!!! My Load order is : https://pastebin.com/1aQUehSg

Edited by Arcanant
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Update: I ported everything to Mod Organiser 2.1.1 , I configured everything and done everything supposedly correct(running fnis and Wrye Bash and make the overwrite files a mod etc etc) so I am out of ideas. Any help is greatly appreciated

Update 1: Solved! For some reason any bashed, Smash or xEdit patch I used caused me to CTD. BUT I managed to solve it by removing the default generated bash patch,0 from the Data Folder manually. I dunno why that was causing the problem since it was supposed to be overwritten, neither why Smash or xEdit merged patches caused CTD as well with bashed patch inactive. At least now it works ^_^

Edited by Arcanant
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